John Kelly calls Trump an idiot, mocks his ignorance

Something something spreading taint…from last year but very topical:


I hear that most criminals are below average in intelligence, so perhaps Mr. Comey, being in law enforcement, has a benchmark of average that is lower than we expect?

“Feral cunning” seems apt.


I’m a vet and I wouldn’t even address him by his title, let alone become one of his cheap henchmen. He’s a disgrace and he has disgraced this country (which is our own damn fault). His name should have a permanent asterisk by it.


Considering how much value he places on loyalty, you’d think he would at least try to cultivate behaviours that might help inspire a tiny bit of it in his underlings.


Half of our news is like that. The other half is uncritically parroting what (preferred) governments say publicly.


Dropping the “idiot” bomb?

I guess Kelly decided it was time to collect his retirement package.


When I did my military service, I vowed to serve my country faithfully and to bravely defend its people’s rights and their freedom.
I did not swear obedience to a particular person or office.
I also learned that I could question orders, to prevent following orders that must not be followed. The general concept was “citizen in uniform”.


Yeah, reading about his behavior, I always find it especially puzzling given the emphasis on loyalty, because it really wouldn’t engender much. Maybe he values it because it’s so rare for him…


Don’t call him stupid…


No, calling him stupid would be an insult to stupid people.


Trump: “Apes don’t read daily briefings.”
Jamie Lee Curtis: ”And neither do you , Donald.”


I know a fair number of idiots and in their defense they are idiots for various reasons. Some are too lazy to read and research, some are kinda dumb, some are too stubborn to seen anything except what they choose to believe. Those aren’t the kind of idiots that occupy the presidents office. He’s and idiot because of all the previously noted suggestions plus he is a mean, soulless creep who believes in his own superiority because he can and frequently does destroy other peoples lives just because it amuses him.



I’m of course asking a rhetorical question. But consider for a moment to answer it in all earnest.

I tried to. I am still undecided, but I tend towards no, it does not.

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How far would you go to save your country from certain disaster? I mean, wrecking American politics is one thing, but if “disaster” meant DISASTER of epic and irreparable proportions, what would you do? Kelly has already tried babysitting the toddler in chief, clearly he can pull congressmen aside and try to tell them what’s really going on behind the scenes, but if the GOP is more concerned with holding onto power, what’s next? Even from his vantage point he probably can’t see how any of this could play out.


A distinguished military man of his rank and experience could not find another way to pay his bills? Not buying it, sorry. I am prepared to believe he saw it as a duty to his country, to serve the idiot when requested, but not that he did it for the money (or for the kudos of this position).


People get paid for duty, especially generals, (ex or otherwise). I’ve never heard of any general these days who serves for nothing. Sure, we can say duty… but c’mon!


An interesting question. If I was given the option to sit beside and somehow influence a person who is clearly a danger to all of us, but in the process would be irreparably tainted by association to that person, would I do it? Would I risk being hung from a streetlamp next to him if it meant I might be able to avert catastrophe?

On the one hand, any of us should do it. On the other, who wants to be associated with that trainwreck? At the very least I hope he is taking copious notes, and will go straight to the grownups after he gets booted.


I remembered George W. Bush’s EO allowing retired military to be recalled to active duty, as mentioned in the linked article. I had no idea that Trump himself had amended it last year, however… Apparently, to make it easier…


Hands up everyone who feels trump is not an idiot! anyone? anyone? yes, you Sir, well… you’re an idiot.(wait, is that eric trump?)


He doesn’t value loyalty (only people who are truly loyal themselves can value it). He values obedience, and demands it while calling it loyalty.

Someone close to Trump who was truly loyal to him would have hit him on the head, tucked him in the trunk of a car, put him in a private jet and got him to somewhere without extradition some time in the past year.