John Kelly calls Trump an idiot, mocks his ignorance

I have a feeling that anyone who as worked with Trump has called him an idiot multiple time a day.


Or years ago, for that matter.


Two strong-willed personalities, one of whom is charged with moderating the exuberance and unpredictability of the other, have seemingly come to part ways, at least privately. With former Secretary of State Tillerson reportedly calling President Trump a “moron” this latest characterization by Cheif of Staff John Kelly a just more evidence of disarray at the White House. Another job vacancy appears imminent at 1600 Pennsylvania Avenue. Adults need not apply.

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“cunning as a shithouse rat”

Although, given his string of bankruptcies and failed casinos(!) … maybe not even that?


Donald denies it, Kelly denies it, but come on, we all know it’s true. liar liar, hair on fire23286998781_e3b9e4e64d_o


To work for the idiot, or to work for the country?

All these folks have to swear an oath to uphold the constitution. Perhaps one or two of them mean it?


Yeah, I was almost one of them! I was called up for a physical after 4+ years of no activity in the run-up to Iraq. I decided I was willing to go for a physical, but I would never pick up a weapon for that warmonger and would face whatever consequences came of it. Thankfully, I reached my final terminal date a month before they invaded. It didn’t help that I spent my active duty time reading Vonnegut novels religiously.


Do they though? ¯_(ツ)_/¯


Idiot says what.

We’re all fired now.

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I prefer Rat Clever


No, that’s Don Jr.
Eric hasn’t been able to find the room you’re meeting in…


It turns the media into a propaganda arm for the unnamed source. A regular practice now is for a “discreet” source to “leak” what an agency wants known or believed but cannot cop to officially.

The practice also bit the NY Times a few years ago and they said they’d crack down.

I like how this history in the Washington Post was put under the word “Style.”


All of them are really only loyal to themselves–they’re trying to cash in on lining their own pockets in his shadow for as long as possible, which means sucking up instead of reining in. It’s also what keeps them so cozy with the rest of the GOP core… they’ve got a lot in common in their behaviors and motivations.


You should know, John, he hired you.


Yeah, it’s true - “loyalty” is entirely the wrong word. But his behavior wouldn’t seem to engender obedience, either. But maybe that’s the thing - true loyalty would involve an intervention and thwarting of Trump’s stated desires, so what he gets is mock-loyalty, where the seemingly obedient servant is fully aware - and quite pleased - that by following orders, they’re ultimately getting Trump to screw himself. Certainly that seems to be true of the people who surround him in the White House (and more generally in politics). They’re making use of him for their own purposes while waiting for his fall.


There are really only two options here: either everything reported about Trump and his administration is true, or alternatively (the favorite conservative theory) it’s all fake news and lies and a conspiracy to keep the President down and make him fail. There’s maybe some wiggle room in between, but not that much.

I’ve known pathological liars, you probably have too. At first you might believe them, their stories sound plausible, maybe you want to believe some of their tall tales, but eventually you just roll your eyes, and say “yeah, sure, uh-huh…”

A friend of mine was kinda-sorta dating this girl he was smitten with, and so he put up with her stories. I think we gave her the benefit of the doubt at first but it became clear she was just making shit up, she’d say whatever she thought would impress people. He was emotionally invested in her, so he bought it all for a long time until he finally made a fool of himself and did things he now regrets.

That’s the best way I can describe the Trump Presidency to conservatives: the more invested you become in this shit show, the more likely you’re going to hurt yourself and others. There’s no conspiracy to make Trump look bad, he has always looked bad and you’d see that if you could just step back for a minute.


Yeah… where the fuck was he two years ago?


People, especially generals, get paid much more for taking an “advisory” role with a defence contractor and facilitating corruption in military procurement. Whatever motivated Kelly to join the Trump administration was not the salary.