John Oliver on Brexit: the EU is the least-worst option, and racists support Leave

My former Doctor, who had to quit her practice, took up being an ER doc. She works very long shifts. Many times she can take naps or sleep some, but other times no. I don’t understand why they make them work such long as shifts???

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I imagine it’s cheaper operationally to overwork fewer employees than hire extra, then schedule well rested ones.

Yes, but the “Apart We Are History” listing doesn’t add the asterisk to #23 to denote it’s “special status”. Doesn’t that come with a bonus 1 million people or something?

I thought it was going to be Trump/Miller or Trump/Barron

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That would explain it for US hospitals, but it seems to happen everywhere, like it’s just part of the culture of being an emergency responder. Firefighters work really long shifts too. Midwives around where I live are on the clock 24 hours a day for 3 months at a time and then take a month off. I mean, obviously they sleep several times in 3 months, but they don’t have any time dedicated to sleep, and that means that once in a while they are going to have a day where they didn’t sleep at all.

In a way I get it. The idea that you go to sleep at the fire station and might wake up in the middle of the night to fight a fire is a bit of an inevitable practicality sometimes. If the ER doctor is expected to catch a nap some time in the first 12 hours of their shift so they can get through the remaining however many hours, that’s fine. But if they don’t actually get that nap, they need to be relieved just like that bus driver.

I think people in caring professions (and caring people in general) often don’t ask for help when they should - they see it as their role to take burdens off other people rather than to impose them on other people.

ETA: I do not in any way mean that if you know how to ask for help you must not be a caring person.


I generously didn’t subtract the population of Scotland on that basis.


Greece was bankrupt. While I agree that it’s not a nice thing to do, bankrupt countries have often been pressured to do things they didn’t want to do by their creditors.

And why did Greece go along with the demands? Because they preferred it to the alternatives of either going bankrupt or leaving the eurozone, restarting their own currency, and massively devaluing it to avoid going bankrupt.

What you are afraid of here is that The Evil Union might force you to do things by threatening to withhold aid that you wouldn’t get anyway as a non-member. That just does not make any sense.


No exit polls this evening.

So they’re trying to fill time on TV with no content for the next two hours.

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So, business as usual?

Oh, wait, do they not have Faux News over in the EU?

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They’re predicting that the first two areas to declare will be Newcastle and Sunderland.

Luckily, that gives a a decent handle on the results, because from previous polling Newcastle leans slightly towards Remain, and Sunderland leans slightly towards Leave.

The bulk of the results will be coming in in the small hours of the morning, and I’m not staying up for that, given that I can’t really muster any enthusiasm for either result.

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Maybe there’ll be a tie!

Dimbelby has a particularly loud one. Pink sharks on a blue background.

As for loud colour contrasts, they’re using Orange and Blue for the two sides.

Oh, and for something lighter- here’s some music for those getting prepared for Brexit:


First result in.

Gibraltar votes 96% for Remain. Not unexpected.

Newcastle. Remain. 50.7% Much less clear cut than was predicted.
Orkney. Remain 63%
Clackmannanshire Remain 58%
Sunderland, Leave 61%

Right- I’m not going to record everything here, but it’s looking more leave-y than expected.


@GilbertWham You need to have a word with your neighbours.

Fucking hell, is my country really going to commit suicide?


Lie back and think of England, not the EU? It’s bizarre to see this much support for an objectively stupid idea, but here in the US there are enough Trump voters that my views on people’s ability to make informed, responsible choices in elections are pretty dim right now.


I wish I could believe that persons outside are that much smarter. I think our more pervasive media has created false expectations ;(

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We haven’t had the areas that are expected to be strongly remain yet.

Here in Oxford, the only brexit signs I have seen were at empty houses that have To Let signs outside. There are lots of remain signs though.

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He’s one of the councillors for the ward where I (currently) live.

On the radio a day or two ago I heard a story about some Brits who had retired to Spain. They were on the Remain side, because otherwise their health care and property values (? my memory is crap) would be affected. But if they were still living in England they’d vote for Leave, because “there are too many immigrants there now.”

I assume if they lived here they’d be Trump voters.


I can’t keep the fake optimism going.

What’s Dusseldorf like to live in?

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