Originally published at: John Wick, but with realistic silencers | Boing Boing
Have those sound effects in the film, and having a few by-standers look around in a slightly bored, slightly puzzled manner, could have been great.
Are they accounting for subsonic ammunition in this video?
The only time I’ve used a suppressor, I pulled the trigger and the gun made a click sound. I thought it had misfired. Nope. Completely silenced with each shot. Click-click-click-click all the way through. But it was a .22 cal rifle, shooting subsonic long rounds.
Example from a pistol here. Very quiet.
I was going to say something vaguely along these lines but thankfully you’ve hit on the exact term. It is actually possible to have something fairly silent but the issue movies also don’t account for is that silencers sacrifice bullet speed and accuracy in order to achieve a quieter shot.
It’s weird that never has Hollywood used this plink-plink-plink sound effect (that is, the actual sound of a silenced subsonic round) and instead cling to the circa-1965 Mission:Impossible-era pew-pew-pew sound effect.
If you’ve any played any sort of modern warfare game you might have encountered the VSS “Vintorez” sniper rifle, or its cousin the AS Val special assault rifle, chambered in 9x39 (!) subsonic. The thing fires assault-rifle rounds and sounds like a desktop stapler.
This video has some folks firing rounds on the range. Note that the ones that sound like regular rifle rounds are not the VSS. The side-by-side comparison makes it all the more interesting. (Cued to some clear comparison points.)
If only they made silencers for people, oh wait a minute!
That video was good.
Suppressors do greatly reduce the sound of the expanding gasses, but the other big part of a the sound of a gun shot is the crack of the bullet going supersonic. If you use a suppressor with subsonic ammo, you will get even better results.
.45 acp doesn’t go faster than sound typically, so makes a good suppressed bullet.
9mm does go faster than sound, but you can get rounds that are subsonic.
.22lr is still pretty small and with normal rounds you still hear a krack, but with subsonic, the sound of the action working is louder than the report of the shot. You can use CB or .22 subsonic in a regular gun that is still really quiet (won’t cycle the action of a semiautomatic). Good for keeping rabbits out of the garden and into a stew.
Nearly all modern rifle rounds go way faster than sound, but you can load them to be subsonic (though then you can have problem with them working correctly in a semi-automatic).
.300 blk is made with suppressor use in mind, and much of the ammo is subsonic and functions fine in a semiautomatic.
Certainly the cool sounding “ptew” of Hollywood is made up. They still greatly reduce the sound and do a great job of protecting your hearing as well as making it generally more pleasant to shoot. It can increase accuracy as well.
Fun fact, Hiram Maxim, inventor of the Maxim machine gun, invented and patented the Maxim Silencer. Hearing protection wasn’t used commonly back then, and it would have saved more ears with wider use.
I do have some experience with the AEM5 on an SPR Mark 12 Mod 0 if people want to PM questions.
Not my pic.
Smarter everyday has two great videos showing how suppressors work, with both clear suppressors and Schlieren photography.
Having been on the Darlington to Whitby train last week on the one sunny summer day in England, over crowded and kids screaming in my ear - I wouldn’t have heard a shotgun.
Am I the only one who was more concerned about them getting that pristine white interior marked up with blood splatter?
I’m surprised nobody has developed an amplifier attachment that blasts out the ‘Wilhelm Scream’. Everyone will notice but the guy falling from the balcany will be assumed to be a stunt actor.
its always intrigued me that cars are mandated to have mufflers, but firearms are mandated to NOT have mufflers — becasue Hollywood.
pew pew. foosh foosh
enough of that, I’d like some pizza now.
And, actually this is what we were using them for. I was helping a farmer in East Lincolnshire clear his sheep field of hares. The silenced .22 was useful for not scaring the other nearby hares. It worked great.
Do suppressors have extra regulation in the UK? Or if you have the proper firearms permit, you can have a suppressor as well? I know some countries treat it as an off the shelf item, while the firearms are more regulated.
Though speaking of the UK, that reminds me, Ian at Forgotten weapons got his hands on a British Welrod to test. These were used for British clandestine and spy operations in WWII.
These use a “wipe” suppressor where the first shot is punching through disks of a rubber material. The first 10-15 shots are very quiet, but it gets louder as they degrade. They came in .32 acp and later some 9mm.
I swear he had a video of him shooting one and it was impressively quiet - but I can’t find it. Maybe it got taken down or maybe I am just remember him shooting a different gun with a wipe suppressor.
that’s the other part of this ridiculous scene…
bullets go somewhere.
for every missed shot, in a place as crowded as that, especially down on the main floor, likely someone would have been hit.
The original scene, in brief
John Wick: Chapter 2 (2017), subway shootout [1080p] - YouTube
While we’re at it, why don’t movies use more realistic gun noises, period? It’s not like the “movie gun” sound is any more interesting.
I think movie people think they’re stuck with it now, since realistic gun sounds would sound fake to most moviegoers.
Oh the irony…