A flea bite on his junk… A flea bite…riiight…
Standard philanderer tool kit
A flea bite on his junk… A flea bite…riiight…
Standard philanderer tool kit
Didn’t know until now Johnny Rotten was a Trumpanzee.
Trying to wrap my head around how someone who is Iconic in a movement against authoritarianism embraces an authoritarian.
Bullshit. Probably just bedbugs or his cat got fleas and infested his house. He has also fed squirrels at some point in time, no connection.
Poor squirrels, having to explain how they got fleas from John Lydon. The shame.
Yea, I doubt it is fleas, more than likely scabies. JR is pure trash.
My new next door neighbor is from Ghana!
I suspect Rotten thinks ‘not part of the establishment’ and upsetting apple carts is all that matters. Proving he barely thinks at all.
Glenn Matlock was the real talent in the Sex Pistols, and when they sacked him it really showed
I more or less agreed until I heard the Capital Radio interview with him from 1977.
He states that we shouldn’t be listening to him, he brings along his own crate of records (he didn’t have a turntable at the time) and you get a glimpse into what kind of music he dug. It turns out he had pretty amazing and eclectic taste.
Also, the Bomboclat! reggae mixes, the early ones that drew from his collection of rarities, is well worth a google and download.
That is not to excuse any of his recent nonsense.
Rat Scabies is another English Punk Rocker entirely.
So I guess the fleas knew about the album too.
No, he quit because he and Lydon did not get along, and McLaren kept trying to exploit that.
You’re right, sorry.
I think my point stands about the quality of output by the Sex Pistols after he left though.
What a twat. Fuck off dick head, the 80’s are long gone and so is your appeal. Shameless poser.
I enjoy the one album when I’m in the mood for some noise that isn’t high art. YMMV, of course! I think we should remember that much of punk is like that, noise and anger, not really high art with great song writing, etc.
They are not the best and not the worst the genre has to offer, but given the splash they made in the public consciousness which helped to put punk on the map as a cultural phenomenon that challenged norms at the time, they well deserve their place in the history of punk. Pre-Sex Pistols, it’s pretty much just a genre that some music critics cared about, and then they put the genre on the map as “dangerous” to some minds and that more than anything helped to lay the ground work for the rise of HC in the 80s. Of course, it wasn’t dangerous, but tell that to middle class white people clutching their pearls over Johnny Rotten telling off Billy Grundy with a rude word on the telly after he hit on a teenage girl!
The Sex Pistols were most certainly manufactured by McLaren, a man who wanted to make a splash in a situationist kind of way. They weren’t great song writers or musicians, or deep thinkers about what they were doing at the time. But they most certainly made an impact and aren’t to be so lightly dismissed from the history of punk just because we’re not fans. It always sort of confuses me that people are so dismissive of their place in the history of the genre.
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