Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/11/23/johnny-rotten-gets-bitten-by-fleas-while-befriending-squirrels.html
Bubonic plague is potentially a concern in our sweet home Venezia, CA
Johnny Rotten? Bitten by fleas on his penis?
Let me be the first to say: Never Mind The Bollocks.
I expected a story about a new AI for generating headlines.
Flea justice?
Agreed. Unfuck the flea-ridden MAGAt.
“You’ll never guess which 1970’s punk icon was befriending squirrels!”
“This one weird trick will get Johnny Rotten in trouble with his fleas!”
“Epidemiologists hate him! Why flea-bitten rocker rubs Vaseline on his legs!”
If I came home with bites on my dick, people would be asking what kind of “befriending” I had in mind.
2020 apparently isn’t out of curveballs yet.
70s punk icon gets bitten by a parasite found on a rodent?
I must admit, Johnny Rotten is not the first one I would have thought of:
Opening line:
Johnny - liked you in PIL and sex pistols but shut the fuck up no one needs your spiel
Johnny Rotten gets bitten by fleas; the fleas are expected to recover fully.
So disappointed in him. I literally finished his auto-biography when I started seeing his Trump supporting nonsense. Such a drag.
Don’t confuse contrarians who happen to be in the right (wrong) place at the right time with genuine belief in something. It’s easy to rail against a crap system. History is full of ‘revolutionaries’ who turn into autocrats when it’s their turn at the seat of power.
I’ve always preferred the Buzzcocks anyway.
this is some kind of metaphor about him being a maga guy right? I’m just having trouble parsing it.
Maybe Black Lives Matter is the new Punk? Though we all know it should be mainstream.
Johnny Rotten, was hired to sing for the Sex Pistols because he embraced an image their original bands singer didn’t have any interest in. Johnny Rotten was what execs thought punk looked like and sounded like at the time. He’s never been edgy, he’s always been a propped up assh*le coasting in on others hard work and IMHO one of the worst things to happen to punk at the time, it took years for punk to recover and find itself after that POS.
Keith Richards, visiting a rockers’ ranch north of San Francisco, was draining his bladder in the scrub-brush when his wank was struck by a rattlesnake. Medical help was immediately called but alas, within an hour, that snake was dead.
“bitten on the penis”? Just how friendly was he trying to be with those squirrels? Wasn’t he concerned that they would, like, explode?