Jordan Peele's hosting his Twilight Zone reboot and I am so there for it

Originally published at:


I read this as Jordan Peterson and was utterly baffled by your excitement for about five minutes.


“original series”

it is good to see that Peele isn’t getting too far from his comedy roots


Wow that sounds REALLY REALLY GOOD!

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I hope it’s better than the other previous reboots.

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but , did peele go to antioch ?? did he at least visit ?? look it up on the web ?? roots are important !!

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twilight zone tv marathons were a big part of my pre-adolescence. Peele’s voice was spot on I’m in, too.


Oh, I’ll get hate for this, but Twilight Zone does not stand up well. Mind you, the ideas behind the shows are timeless. but lord, even when I was a kid I was going who in the hell has glasses that break that easily (that post-Apocalypse Anthony Burgess one)? The IDEAS were awesome; the execution, eh, not so much. And mind you, I’m old enough to have seen them in prime time. That said, some episodes still work well. I’m thinking of the kids that escape their squabbling parents by diving into their pool to another land (from the Walton’s Earl Hamner). And, of course, ‘It’s a GOOD Life’.

Video not available in Mexico.

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Are you from one of those worlds where conventionally attractive people are “ugly” and weird pig-faced people are considered beautiful?


The 80’s revival wasn’t bad at all. The more recent 2010ish attempt, yeah, that deservedly came and went in a blink of an eye.


Yeah, with the Grateful Dead doing soundtracks. It was pretty solid, and better than the original most of the time.

From the Key and Peele comedy show, I’ve always gotten the feeling Jordan Peele has both a talent for creative, surprising ideas and an understanding of science fiction/fantasy topics. I’m genuinely looking forward to this Twilight Zone reboot. Thanks for mentioning it!

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Conceptual shows tend to be hit or miss.

Sci-fi time / space travel type: Doctor who / Rick and Morty / Star Trek

sketch comedy shows too : SNL, Mr Show, Kids in the hall.

They all have episodes that are timeless and you will never forget, and a bunch of episodes you already forgot ( of wish you could )

This is awesome though, I look forward to checking it out and think Peele might do a really good job. As “get out” proved, he’s more than just half of Keye and Peele .


There was me, that is Oswald, and my three droogs, that is Red, Eddie, and Cat, Cat being really catty, and we sat in the Gotham Milkbar making up our rassoodocks, what to do with the evening…



We prefer the term “Orkish Americans.”


Burgess Meredith… Anthony Burgess (the author of A Clockwork Orange and other fun books) may have done a story for the show but I doubt he acted in one.


A 30-second title sequence that is practically the same as the original? Yawn. Show us some actual content.

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So I had to change my VPN to the USA to watch a video that shows you nothing but a rework of the original intro. Why oh why would you restrict this from we plebs in the rest of the world?


“Mario, go get your Rod Serling outfit!”

(Video is cued.)