Joshua Schulte named as suspect in 'Vault 7' leak of CIA tools to Wikileaks, but charged instead over child porn

Your post efficiently straddles the canyon between straight analysis and dark-humor quite nicely.


Well yeah. A lot of that going around these days.


Perhaps the Feds feel that keeping him jailed in general population as a pedophile might make him talk. Or at least squeal like a pig.

This is assuming rationality on his part. Sexual cravings can make a surprising number of people act irrationally. Besides, if he didn’t actually leak the tools (a distinct possibility since he wasn’t charged for it) then he wouldn’t expect a heightened risk of a raid in the first place.

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Exhibit A:

The only rights Libertarians care for are their own.


I went to a speech by an x FBI agent and this person asserted that 75% of the dark web is cp.

I think a whole lot of it is infrastructure and company intranets so… yea. There’s always a new reason to be terrified.

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