Originally published at: JP Morgan attempts to put out the fire on TSLA | Boing Boing
At the same time, however, he warned of a “severe” recession this year.
Musk likes to pretend he’s different than all those other boring CEOs, but he finds this phrase as handy as an excuse as they do.
A.k.a. “Workers are getting uppity; it’s time to make them desperate and compliant again.”
PERFECT for the subject CEO (Carny Executive Officer).
Although both technology and execution risk seem substantially less than was once feared, expansion into higher volume segments with lower price points seems fraught with greater risk relative to demand, execution, and competition"
I know this stuff means something, but every time one of these guys rolls out this sort of in-crowd babble I think of the “scientific” gobbledygook spouted in 50s s-f movies.
“Although both technology and execution risk seem substantially less than was once feared, expansion into higher volume segments with lower price points seems fraught with greater risk relative to demand, execution, and competition,” Brinkman added. “Meanwhile, valuation appears to be pricing in upside related to expansion into mass-market segments well beyond our volume forecasts for the Model 3.”
See, an AI can pass an MBA exam and make it in the real world.
That’s one of my favorite Tom Waits songs!
To be fair an AI would make as much bland business chatter with no evidence cited. But it would have made the last sentence an actual sentence. Which it wasn’t.
I speak technofinancebullshit. I can translate for you:
“We’ve discovered Musk is an idiot over the last few months and would’t trust him to lead an elephant out of a wet paper bag.”
It’s pretty straight forward stuff:
Although both technology and execution risk seem substantially less than was once feared,
Seems like maybe they’ve figured out how to make cars
expansion into higher volume segments with lower price points seems fraught with greater risk relative to demand, execution, and competition.
But if they want to start selling them at lower prices to lots of people, that shit’s not gonna scale
Meanwhile, valuation appears to be pricing in upside related to expansion into mass-market segments well beyond our volume forecasts for the Model 3.”
All his math has been multiplied by 420
… Elon “Execution Risk” Musk
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