Originally published at: Judge in Whitmer kidnap trial thinks juror is flirting with terrorism defendant | Boing Boing
That’s kinda gross.
Everything about this entire situation is so ridiculous it would be hilarious in a Coen Bros movie. Here in reality it’s all just terrifying and disheartening. Wolverine Watchmen? I want to laugh at the high school level naming convention, not lose sleep over the fact that these armed assholes are just part of the tip of an unsettlingly large, horribly rotten iceberg.
God, these weirdos are so fucking exhausting.
A skittles-laden fist shake is as a good as a wink, to a blind horse…
A real punch in the gut for anyone who’s struggling to get tinder matches!
Sweaty palm skittles
(One good phrase deserves another.) Morrison leans over to Bellar and whispers, “Bob’s your aunt.”
What the who?
I mean, come on. Those aren’t even related comics!
“Fanny’s your uncle.”
Defense attorney Andrew Kirkpatrick soon to argue that Skittles can cause erections.
Vincent: “Excuse me, I’m curious, why would you get a fist full of skittles?”
Jody: “It’s a sex thing. It helps fapping.”
Many years ago, my cab driver was telling me a story about a fare in the back pleasuring themselves with a roll of Skittles, and was offered to “Taste the Rainbow”.
Based on where I was, what I had seen while there… zero reason to doubt him.
Reminder that wolverines are smelly, antisocial little shits who will literally piss on any food they can’t eat just so no other animals can enjoy it.
I am assuming that it’s a Red Dawn reference.
The original article though does show that truly there is no accounting for taste…
For a while my older brother worked as a NYC cabbie. Not always with any sense of humor or pride, he would tell me of the many fares who would come on to him. Considering that… and other out-of-scope possibilities in the life of a NYC cabby… I did not envy him.
Why is the judge even waiting and wondering what to do? If there is any doubt, throw her out!