Judge says Paul Manafort broke plea deal by lying to Mueller

Not much of a consolation, but if things get worse, you could re-brand it as a theme park. Everybody loves theme parks. And a lot of attractions are already there and just need some refinement. Heck, Disney would jump at the chance in less than a nanosecond.

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Manafort clearly is counting on it. But, hilariously, it seems unlikely. It’s been suggested that Trump wants to distance himself from their activities as much as possible, and it’s not like Trump has any loyalty, even to those who are loyal to him. (Though Manfort was probably mostly loyal to himself above anyone else; his lies seem to be about avoiding self-incrimination more than anything.)


The Special Counsel’s office said Manafor lied, but a judge had not yet decided if Manafort did indeed lie, thus breaking his agreement.


well yeah I mean Trump is probably thinking about ol whatshisname all the time, he never comes around anymore doesn’t he like me well screw him, no wait I had an idea, what if a girl with big tits was in the next room right now!! what if huh! gee, it makes you think. what’s this paper, screw you paper, you don’t deserve my beautiful name on you, I’m not writing my name on another piece of paper unless the paper industries of this country we’re in that I rule give me 10% of the action. Huh, you know what I was thinking, whatever happened to old what’s his name, Castleman, he had the ability to turn himself into a castle I think he told me that but I never saw him do it. why didn’t he do it, doesn’t he adore me adequately?!? well screw Castleman! I bet it’s not even one of those classy castles, probably some run down scottish dump. hey my daughter is pretty hot I just thought of that, better put this paper in my lap. huhhhm, whatever happened to old whats his flypaper?


Slightly more complicated than that:

The SC’s office said Manafort lied and therefore was in breach of his plea deal and that they no longer had to stick to their side of it.

In order to establish that the SC just had to show that they reached their view on that ‘in good faith’.

Manafort and his lawyers agreed that the SC’s office made that determination in good faith (regardless of whether he did actually lie which they of course denied).

The judge therefore ruled that that was the case.

They then also ruled that he had in fact lied on all three of the five points raised by the SC which is relevant for sentencing.

Edit : Oops - not all, 3 out of 5.


The plot thickens.


A rich white man is facing consequences to lying? What is this bizarro world!? More importantly, can I stay?


So a lying liar lied. Also, associate of Trump. But, I repeat myself.


True enough. The actual bodies of probable conspirators have been piling up since election day.

So help me, he looks like Carlo Rizzi…


Jackson also found that Mueller’s office did not prove that Manafort intentionally made false statements about his contacts with the Trump administration

Emphasis mine. I don’t understand the headline here @xeni.

Thank you for the fleshing out of the timeline!

Do you mean when the judge wrote:

“has established by a preponderance of the evidence that the defendant intentionally made multiple false statements to the FBI, the OSC, and the grand jury concerning matters that were material to the investigation: his interactions and communications with Kilimnik,” (washington post quoting the judge)


" A federal judge on Wednesday found that Paul Manafort, President Trump’s former campaign manager, “intentionally” lied to Special Counsel Robert Mueller in response to some, but not all, of their inquiries" (from Fox News)


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Yeah I guess I did mean that. That’s certainly what I was hoping to read. That’s why I was so confused by the former quote. Lesson learned: read the source material and ignore Buzzfeed.


This is good advice.


I figure when Fox News reports that a repuplican lied, then he definately lied!

Hell, he’s probably looking forward to going to the pen!

Rick Wilson’s gift to Mr. Manafort - a signed copy of his book:


He may have more motive than ever to cooperate, but the Feds have less motive than ever to cut him any more deals. He’s proven himself such a prodigious liar that he’d be near useless as a witness in any legal proceedings.

They may well decide his only real value is to serve as a warning to others.


Luckily we have a lawyer for that.

He has general and FBI-specific advice about please shut up.

Apropos of Manafort I find the below section on why not to attempt to ‘just tell the truth’ especially relevant:

If the FBI wants to interview you, it’s possible you’re some kind of Big Deal — a politician or a general or a mover and shaker of some description. If you’re kind of a big deal, there’s a significant possibility you’re a sociopath. You really don’t know how to tell the truth, except by coincidence.


The source material (which @Xeni helpfully linked to, thanks for that!) says:

OSC has failed to establish by a preponderance of the evidence that on October 16, 2018, defendant intentionally made a false statement concerning his contacts with the administration

so Buzzfeed have that right but this

is as @anon48584343 says still good advice.

[humble tones]: so is reading the judgment properly… mea culpa, mea maxima culpa…