Jussie Smollett charged with filing false police report

I will be even more clear about my question before, @JimJim still has posts that were not deleted saying he believes Jussie’s account to be false - so maybe there was something else that triggered moderation. There wasn’t a silencing of a point of view, there was moderation of a forum that he is questioning as part of a humblebrag about being correct about the case and to point out how many hate crimes are faked and the real hate crimes go unnoticed.

So the accusation that we are silencing the real victims to support fake ones is, frankly, an attempt to cheaply sway people into disbelieving the media and victims (or maybe even the wrong kind of victims). I am not doubting @JimJim 's own account of being a victim, and anti-semitism is underrepresented especially in smaller more traditional communities. And he is also right that people tend to use stories to construct a specific narrative out of convenience and not from consistent beliefs… but he’s also the one actively doing that.