Just Stop Oil Activists attack Velázquez painting in London

She’s on the Wikipedia page summarizing the most important figures and milestones of the women’s suffrage movement in the United Kingdom.

She was also a Fascist (literally).


Yes, that was the joke. Well spotted.


Oooh, I like a good callback.

Meanwhile marchers slow-marched through Whitehall, Woman’s Hour interviewed some of them before they went off potentially to be arrested.


The motivation I get, but why not get arrested smashing the windows of BP/Shell/Exon/etc execs? At least as much publicity, and more likelihood of creating change.
Or rather than vandalism, why not have a different person every day go up to (eg) BP’s chief exec and ask them why they think money is more important that the planet. Then the next day a different person goes up to ask them, etc.
Other ideas: Talk their local shops into banning them. Get local plumbers/builders/etc to blacklist them. Make it personal

Also, this is another article where the link to the comments is just a link to the article itself, rather than the BBS. I’ve been finding more articles like this recently :frowning:


In organisations that attract attention-seeking and virtue-signalling narcissists, what’s valued most in a protest (given ignorance of the actual complexities of the issue) is flashiness, peacocking, and transgression for transgression’s sake. Actually effecting change is almost beside the point after a while.

That’s why it’s so easy for them to be co-opted by those they claim to be fighting against or infiltrated by the cops (see also black-bloc anarkiddies and recent independent/third-party Presidential campaigns in the U.S.).


Because (IIRC) around the time of Occupy Wall Street, there was an activist group who went to a CEO’s house one day to ask questions, and got waylaid when the CEO’s wife offered them refreshments as they sat on the lawn and talked about it. :man_shrugging:

They will greenwash you right to your face.


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