'Justice League Honest Trailer' doesn’t pull punches

Great for Snyder films because it gives a lot of room for unnecessary brooding and self-loathing. Lousy for audiences to watch. A film starring a character with “Martian” in his name is not fun to watch acting like Hamlet.

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agree to disagree. I would LOVE to watch a film noir Martian manhunter flick, and I know I am not alone.


Over the years, marvel actually got away from linking Venom and Spidey together and tried to really make Venom a stand alone anti-hero. With…well, mixed results.

And yes, the non Marvel films are mainly out of bounds but I do give a half point each to both Deadpool and Logan. In both cases Marvel clearly has a thumbprint in the DNA of both those movies.

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But a stand-alone Venom origin story… that’s a pretty big stretch. The premise of his character is basically “what if Spider-Man’s black pajamas turned evil?”

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No argument from me on that one.

But I am sometimes perfectly fine with deviating from the source if it makes sense and is done well. In this case, the base origin for Venom is an alien symbiote that comes to Earth and integrates with a host. You can bypass the Spidey part and migrate to it starting Eddie Brock straight away and be ok.

Let’s be clear, that the true origin of the symbiote is part of Secret Wars…the Spiderman flicks from Fox never used that and altered it to be a differing “fell from the sky on a shuttle” storyline instead.

I like the look and feel they are going for in the trailer…that the symbiote is alien tech/organism that they experiment on and eventually infect Brock with to horrific results. It gives a horror feel to it that I dig.

I didn’t hate Justice League as much as I hated BvS but it was far more forgettable.

At least with BvS me and my roommate got to complain to eachother for at least a month while Justice League was just a big loud orange disappointing shrug.


I don’t see the lip thing everyone is complaining about. Is it just me?

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Henry Cavill’s CGI non-mustache

What am I missing? Isn’t it easier/look more convincing to shave it off and wear a practical fake mustache, when a mustache is necessary?

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There is an underlying goofiness to Martian Manhunter which can’t just be ignored. I think steering into the skid and embracing it would probably work better.

At least a vignette concerning his addiction to Chocos


Uh…wait…what? Please tell me there is some snark/sarcasm here I don’t get. Because no. MM is NOT goofy. You are using a moment within the Booster/Blue Beetle (specifcally Ted Kord BB) world which was in fact goofy and zany. But that had everything to do with BG and BB and their own take on being heroes and their friendship and how they handled themselves.

MM as a hero and property is utterly serious and at times overly emo. This is why having him portrayed by someone like Elba and set within a noir detective environment is perfect for framing his personality and character motif.

Like I said above…I am probably being a bit zealot-like on this…I am a comic book nerd of the highest caliber and am not ashamed of it.

yes…just you. the CGI is awful.

Oh dear. Paul Dini and company really have to work themselves out of the “sex in capes” fetish which has shown up in the animated movies as of late (Killing Joke, Batman + Harley Quinn). Its getting pretty bad.

Nightwing being molested by a female villain has become a running gag for a while, but Batman/Batgirl shenanigans are a bit squicky (even though it was hinted at in the last season of animated series and Batman Beyond)

He’s green and doesn’t usually wear pants. How emo/serious can you go with that?

I guess David Harewood’s portrayal in Supergirl gives you conniptions.
[On impersonating Supergirl] “While I find the skirt comfortable, I do not see this as a regular thing”


Actually…thats the point…he normally is NOT in his hero form and normally in his guise of Jon Jones.

I actually don’t watch supergirl. I saw MM in it and think its perfectly fine as a rendition; but I view it as I view Mamoa’s Aquaman. That isn’t Aquaman, its a version of him. I like it. It’s enjoyable. It’s fun.It’s just not the high brow dickhead Aquaman I know. Same thing for MM…the SG version isn’t the one I know, but it’s fine enough. And I give props to decent CGI/Effects than I expect from TV.

At his core, truly reading the comics, he is definitely translatable to big screen as his Jon Jones persona, a private detective who lives in seedy worlds. It is ultimately a statement about us as a society.

And again…I admit, my emotional/nostalgic commitment may be too much.

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Absolutely. But according to SFX people who worked on the film, apparently there was a ridiculous pissing match between the producers of Mission Impossible 6 (which he’d grown a mustache for) and the producers of Justice League asking for unexpected reshoots. So even though they demonstrated how easy it’d be to either put on a fake mustache and did CG tests of a digital mustache for them, they refused to let him shave, so they were forced to digitally remove it and animate a fake upper lip for half of the movie.


I finally saw this the other day. Ugh… not only was the plot meh, the effects were just not good. Now if this was anything other than a big budget movie, I’d give it a pass, but it was just horrible. This is supposed to be A game, right? The people constantly looked like they weren’t actually IN the environment they were supposed to be in. The CGI characters did not move right. And Cyborg was probably the worse, with his human and cyborg parts not meshing right, and his cyborg parts some times moving wrong or twisting weird. I would call this nitpicking, but if it is bad enough it brings you out of the fantasy, then its more of a fundamental flaw :confused:


I liked it.

I mean, I’d never have payed for it, but it was fun and made me lose that time without really regretting it a lot.
Kinda the same thing I get from Adam Sandler movies?

If I was still in the dating scene I have a hunch that’s what my online reviews would look like.


I, for one, was just pleasantly surprised that the actual look of the film diverged away from the desaturated hellscape of muted secondary colors that Snyder has been imposing on the DC movie universe for over a decade. This one actuallly looked like a superhero movie.
Since that is all finalized in post production, I guess the credit/blame goes to Wheadon.

That’s when I fell off of Daredevil. I was really liking the scrappy, learning-the-ropes daredevil, but as soon as he had his first fight in the “Wait, is this a power rangers crossover?” suit, I just couldn’t anymore. Although, to hear the talk around here, I need to hang in there…