Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg dies at 87

She can’t be properly mourned - her death was politicized and used as a cudgel before her body even went cold. Yet another thing McConnell has stolen from us.


Before she even got sick, for that matter. We’ve got people in this very thread demonizing her for choosing not to retire while Obama was in office.


The only trump nominee that would be ok would be Merrick Garland. Of course he’d never do that, but if he did then rush the nominee through.

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She took on this pressure by choice - because she was a bad ass warrior until the end. I find the arguments that she was old and should have retired because “reasons” to be an incredibly shitty take.


Fuck this shit. 2020 I’m over you.


It’s an own goal. If we were watching a soccer match would we not discuss a player kicking it into their own goal even if they scored earlier? She undid her legacy by gambling HRC would be in office. She lost, we lost, and now the idiot in the WH gets to replace her.


From CNN…

Here is a list of four Republicans senators who have said they will oppose a vote before the election:

  1. Maine Sen. Susan Collins told the New York Times, “I think that’s too close, I really do."
  2. Alaska Sen. Lisa Murkowski i n September said, “Fair is fair,” and she would not vote to replace RBG before the election."
  3. South Carolina Sen. Lindsey Graham in October 2018 said, “If an opening comes in the last year of President Trump’s term, and the primary process has started, we’ll wait to the next election. And I’ve got a pretty good chance of being the Judiciary [Chairman]. Hold the tape.”
  4. Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley said in July he would follow the Biden rule, “I’m just following what was established by the Biden Rule in 1986 and then emphasized by him in 1992… They set the pattern. I didn’t set the pattern. But it was very legitimate that you can’t have one rule for Democratic presidents and another rule for Republican presidents.”

Regional pancreatic cancer has a 5 year survival rate of just 12%. I remember seeing in the news that she was being treated for liver metastases but don’t recall seeing anything about more widely disseminated metastases (lung, brain, bone, etc). That she beat it into remission multiple times while barely taking a break from her work is an amazing testament to her strength and will.


If he nominates, say, Ted “No substantiative due process right to stimulate one’s own genitals” Cruz (who’s already being floated as a potential nominee), does that mean he can’t vote on his confirmation?
That’d mean the Ds need 2 R “No” votes?
I suspect Susan Collins is a no on any plausible Trump nominee?
I can see 3 or 4 other Rs in deep enough electoral shit this year where they might vote no?

I’m grasping at straws here. But at this point, I have to.


Murkowski has already said she will not vote to move anyone prior to the election. Romney hates Trump on principle. Graham, Collins and Grassley are all on record for not filling a seat prior to the election. It only takes 4. Maybe? It’s a stretch, but I have to hang on to hope.

Take note at this point I am drunker than hell, and anything I say should be taken with a HUGE grain of salt.


Yeah, we know how that will work out. Conservatives will hem and haw about it being a conspiracy to grab power and destroy the nation.


They’re republicans. Their words are like ashes in the mouth for republicans are incapable of speaking truth.


Not republicans anymore. They are trumpians.



The last 3 were before it was real. Let’s see if they stick to their principles.


Just making it clear, this is why I clicked the like.

Just tucked the kiddo in, I shall now join you.


To offer a dissenting opinion: She kept at it intentionally, arguably in order to inflate her own ego. By the time Obama was early in his office she’d had colon cancer for 10 years and she’d just been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer. Anyone who couldn’t see that even by 2009 the supreme court was a political football is either a fool or willfully ignorant. She caused years of anxiety for countless people (“will there be a democrat in the white house to nominate her successor?”) even when when she knew she didn’t have much time left in the presence of a perfect opportunity to retire. I suspect this is going to (rightly) stain her legacy.


I did not know this. Holy mother of dog she should have quit while she could. Fuck.

To be replaced by some shitfuck like Tom Cotton or worse. Uggggh

She had colon cancer (which was successfully treated, but still) in 1999. In 2009 she had her first surgery for pancreatic cancer iirc.