Kamala Harris ends presidential run

I don’t disagree, but from another angle…

There is a noticeable tendency for middle-class liberal mockery of Trump to focus on his ignorance and uncouthness, often by parroting it back at him. This may be personally satisfying for the people doing it, but it’s not terribly effective as a political tactic.

And it may create blowback.

  1. The choice to focus on relatively trivial issues of personality rather than substantive issues of policy is telling. Working class people and PoC notice when their issues are ignored or treated as unimportant.

  2. Liberal mockery of Trump often indulges in the bigotry it claims to oppose. See, for example, the constant homophobia of gay-themed Trump/Putin imagery, the anti-immigrant xenophobia related to the use of Drumpf, the classism inherent in sneers about wealth and education, etc.

I don’t care what Trumpkins think about liberal rhetoric. I do care about what non-voters think.


Good points all. Many of which are reasons I usually don’t indulge in that kind of easy-targetry. And some others, so thanks for spelling all of that out.

I do get annoyed and frustrated with goodhearted relatives and friends who think if we can just get rid of that boor currently squatting in the White House and elect a democrat, ANY democrat, things will magically be all better.


One of Trump’s greatest lines from the campaign was “I love the poorly educated.” It had pretty nearly everyone on television looking like elitist assholes. If anyone thought, “Politicians and media don’t even see me as a human, they just see me as being in the way of things getting better,” they’d have a lot of fodder from that incident.




if that’s really true then hopefully we’ll see more black women in office at lower levels.

i think part of the problem is: the filter that systemic racism imparts means that for a woman of color to reach harris’s position - it’s devastatingly hard to remain ideologically pure.

so yeah, we can be “i like her if only…” but the reality is society has weaned out everyone else.

look at the lineup for the next debate. are those actually the best candidates? is it surprising that they’re all white?


Backed up by sources I linked to. So better than just any opinion.

It’s still YOUR OPINION if you do not understand that then I don’t know what to say. I would love her as an AG compared to what we have had over the last two years. Because you feel she is not progressive enough That is YOUR OPINION.

Good day.

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