King Charles announces his logo (spoiler: it's not like the one in Children of Men)

Given his history, he should never be allowed near a design decision.


The duchy of Cornwall, and all the associated investments, including the Waitrose partnership are controlled by the Duke of Cornwall. Charles III gets the investment empire known as the Duchy of Lancaster, which may or may not be as profitable.


actually, i like it. it’s a nice callback to his mother’s mark, and working that “III” into it had to be a bit of a head-scratcher.


IMO Branston brown sauce is far superior but the rest of my household vehemently disagree. I have tried issuing a Royal Edict but no one listens.


Don’t forget Homeopathy!


So he has his own logo now?
Is it a penis?
Please tell me it’s a penis.

I don’t think I thought too much about it. I think I just thought it was a moniker for the UK or for royalty in general. Stamps in general have all sorts of country specific names or markings that aren’t used in English, that it just sort of becomes a mark you recognize.

I know I have a stamp similar to this.

As well as several in this series.


Carrs replaced the Royal Warrant with the coat of arms of the City of Carlisle when they lost it after many decades.

Maybe those items that just lost the Royal Warrant could use the same idea.


Those are pretty old - the first is dated, but the second must be at least 50 years old - pre decimalisation. I suspect in philately circles though, they are probably quite common, even so.

Star Wars Robot GIF


I’m interested to see the new money with his face on it, I propose it be called “Chuck Bucks”. I’m determined to make that a thing.


There’s debate in Canada about whether we will change our money, and if so to what. Currently the Mint and Bank are saying “we have no plans to change anything right now”. She’s currently on our $20 bill and all the coins, for anyone unaware.

If they do remove her, I hope they put interesting scenery or animals there instead of Chuck. Constantly changing it for whatever monarch just seems silly. They’ve been slowly removing her from the money over the years anyway. When I was growing up, she was on every bill as well. Now it’s just the one.


Some designer really earned their fee that day. They look similar enough that many people probably didn’t even realise the change and it makes sense as a logo


When I was a kid we still had shillings and florins acting as 5p and 10p coins. I remember seeing coins with Edward VII on them. I don’t remember seeing any with Vicky on though.

I wish Canada luck with getting this done. We in the UK aren’t going to be getting members of the royal family removed from our currency any time soon.

Waitrose has the Duchy brand. A Duchy remains a Duchy irrespective of who is the Duke. It will make no difference, I suspect.

All the talk of who owns the Duchy brand makes me think of this.

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Pass the dutchie… from the left hand side.

Unlike the port, which the Duke passes from right to left.

That there is the definition of a cultural divide. :man_shrugging:

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