Kitchen shears are often better than a knife

I use my kitchen shears pretty regularly, there’s nothing better for cleaning up artichokes.

BUT… Scott Sigler’s novel Infected did a real number on me. If you haven’t read it, and enjoy being disturbed, definitely read it, it’s horrifying in a way I enjoy. You’ll never look at chicken scissors the same way again, at least I can’t. Shudder.

Goo Gone whenever adhesive cleanup is called for.

The closest my kitchen scissors come to anything that can’t be cleaned with a quick swipe of the sponge, followed by a dump of the leftover boiling tea water, is the previously mentioned pizza, and possibly to open vacu-sealed bags. For disjointing chicken, I prefer a nice heavy knife.

Tactical scissors? Holy shit I need this. Goes with my tactical internet pants.

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Sharp things (scissors) versus squishy things (sponges).

Polar molecules (notably water) versus non-polar molecules (notably fats).

The Apollonian versus the Dionysian.

It is, as you say, a constant struggle.

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Kitchen shears are a fantastic tool, but these are not the right pair to get. As others have mentioned, they can’t be separated for cleaning. I have also had two pairs of this exact model and both have broken at the same spot - both handles crack if you try to cut anything stiff - like chicken bones.

A pair of 10 inch Gingher tailor’s shears (nicked in the sewing studio) current serve as my kitchen shears.

90% isopropyl alcohol is great for removing adhesive goo.

scissors are “single use”? methinks you don’t know what “single use” really means.

Nice for chopping herbs in a cup. Somehow it seems easier than chopping them on a cutting board.

No, I know they aren’t single use, but in the context of cooking they effectively are. And they’re still a lot more fiddly to clean and dry than a knife.

Then why did you say they were single use? Regardless, or either way, you are still wrong, and I think being argumentative for the sake of being argumentative. Shears are better than a knife for many kitchen tasks. Chopping herbs, such as chives? Better with shears. Butchering a chicken? Cutting up a flank steak? Opening packages of stuff? Cutting parchment for baking? Cutting butcher’s twine or cheese cloth? Easier with shears. Split-apart shears are as easy to clean as knives. Do you even cook?

do you understand what “in the context” means?

If you just want random cuts, ripping lettuce works well: no need to find, clean, dry, or put back scissors. Some say that cutting lettuce with metal causes it to go bad quicker.

By that measure nearly everything in your kitchen is single use.

Not my disposable cups! They can be used for drinking water, soda, beer…the uses are nearly endless!

Didn’t want to show off with the 511 Tactical Duty Kilt?

The best Internet accessory of all time may remain the Internet Urinal

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