Kleenex will no longer be sold in Canada

I use paper towels - Kleenex is just too harsh on my tender nose. The ‘rear off the size you need’ and softer paper fiber makes all the difference.

How did bilingual Kleenex boxes produced for the Canadian market end up in Georgia?

Kleenex is too harsh, so you use paper towels?


Kleenex can be harsh, but which brand of paper towel is softer?? Scottie (with lotion) usually does me for facial tissues.


I’m hoovering up as many boxes as I can.


They also didn’t understand Canada.
The shelves were always empty, and the only things on the shelves were things that Canadians don’t buy, like kettles you put on the stove. Not a Canadian thing. Canadians almost exclusively use electric kettles.

The other problem was, that we were expecting the same kind of prices we saw as when we drove to Buffalo. Seeing the same crap we could buy at Canadian Tire, for the same prices, was not a compelling competitive offering.


Is this part of a viral marketing plan for a Smokey and the Bandit reboot?


Thats Good Robert Deniro GIF


In my family (UK based) we just buy supermarket own brand from Aldi, Lidl or Tesco. They’re fine.

No idea; I moved here from the northeast where it was normal to have french bilingual products, and almost didn’t notice, until others pointed out how odd it was. Literally this box next to me now…


I feel like store brands have had a multi-decade ramp up in quality and branding. You don’t get single flavor generic chips in solid white bags with black lettering anymore.


This is way less of a story than CBC is making it out to be. Kleenex was less than 10% of the tissue market here. Most of us were buying other brands all along without thinking about it and won’t even notice the departure. A megacorp dropped a minor product in the market that was underperforming which nobody would have noticed if not written about. Big deal. :roll_eyes:

For some reason CBC is beating this drum that “aLL tEH bRands are leaving Canada” so they jump all over every little story like this. I generally find CBC to be pretty objective, but they do seem to have a few weird agenda items like this for some reason.


There’s a good reason for those empty shelves – they are often “owned,” or at least rented, by the name brands themselves – the companies who want an edge pay Target, and your local supermarket, to have their item at eye height, or wherever they want it, in a specific section, and by contract the store cannot put anything else there once agreed upon. And the store, or at least the store’s owners, get paid whether there is anything on that shelf or not, so long as isn’t anything that shouldn’t be there on that shelf.


The bleaching process doesn’t just make it brighter, it also makes it soft and increases absorbancy.

For toilet paper this is especially important because if you don’t strip out the lignin, it won’t break down quickly and end up clogging sewage systems.


Still, it hurts a little to be tossed away like a used …um… thing that gets tossed away after it’s used.


This is a disaster for teenaged boys.

So stripping out the lignin is what makes it white? Or are bleaching agents added for that?

Sorry boys, no more Kleenex. Put that in your sock and stroke it!

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The problem I had with many own-brand tissues when I lived in the UK was they were scented, dyed, or lotioned. I hated those. We bought Who Gives a Crap.

Sorry, I knew I left out something.

Some (or all depending on process) of the bleaching agents are what allow the stiff brown lignin to be stripped out from the naturally white cellulose. That said, the bleaching agents do make it brighter than it would be naturally and remove some of the coloring from other impurities.

This is messy because there are multiple multi-stage processes depending on who makes the paper, but the really bad environmental stuff was when they used chlorine gas to soften up the lignin so most of it could be dissolved in an alkaline solution. This produced a ton of dioxins, but was phased out a couple decades ago.

The newer process typically uses chlorine dioxide instead to prep the lignin to be dissolved in sodium hydroxide. There are also some totally chlorine-free bleaching processes that use oxygen and hydrogen peroxide mostly used in Europe, though I’m not sure any of them are used for toilet paper.

Edit: Also… I should note that this is a simplification. There are other stages if you’re dealing with recycled paper, you need to remove transition metals, for certain kinds of trees the pulp came from or depending on the process the mill used.

Edit 2: Clarifications, I think.