Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2019/10/09/kurt-cobains-unplugged-c.html
“It’s very important that we don’t wash it,” Darren Julien of Julien’s Auctions said in Rolling Stone. “The stains are still there. There’s even cigarettes burns that you can see on the sweater.”
I still assume much better chances for Cobain’s sweater, though.
Christ, what an asshole
His former home in Seattle is up for sale too. Any connection?
A friend of mine and 80’s hero of our little town’s punk scene, Doug “Sluggo” Cawley, was part of the 80’s music scene in Boston and knew Kurt Cobain. He used to put Kurt up when the band was in town. Once, Kurt wanted a beater guitar to destroy on stage and he ended up swapping his guitar for one of Sluggo’s. That guitar ended up worth $100K. Sluggo used that money to start a frame shop (Frame - in San Francisco). Sluggo’s been part of the Bay Area punk scene for decades, recently of The Grannies and now onto his new project REQ’D. Check out his band or shop. He’s good people.
i swear it sold again more recently than 2015, but hey, time flies. [EDIT] this is also an appropriate place to mention that i’ve been hunting for a similar sweater in thrift stores since that concert aired. i mean, HE got it in a thrift store originally, and whoever made it certainly didn’t make only one…
I can get you a cardigan like that for $100,000 - stains, cigarette burns and all. 2 for $180k. If you’re making a video I’ll throw in hardcoded Portuguese subtitles, I have a guy, no problem.
Kurt would have hated this.
For those of you on a budget, this was on somebody’s curb in Lawrence, KS several weeks ago. (LFK is how some locals refer to Lawrence). Here’s the backstory to the visit mentioned on the note: https://faroutmagazine.co.uk/remembering-when-kurt-cobain-met-his-idol-william-burroughs/
Agreed…and I was never really a Kurt or Nirvana fan to begin w/. But this is just absurd.
Loved Kurt, but we have let things go. Selling his sweater is morbid and weird even for Kurt.
really? you could buy a similar sweater for cheap…
I’ll sell ya one for less than half that and I’ll even throw in some cat hair.
With friends that ghoulish, who needs vultures?
Could it come with a letter of authenticity? Or two?
It wouldn’t even be cheaper to knit one yourself.
For a hundred grand I’d even throw in a few vintage coffee stains.
I’ve always wanted that cardigan too!
have you looked for one, too? it’s crazy how hard it is to find one. i have one that is pretty close, but not right, and googling for Manhattan vintage sweaters is… not helpful.