Kushner says Trump can't help Black people who don’t “want to be successful”


Why stop there? If they still can see and chew, you still have some work to do. None of these little shits deserve anything less than your very best.


Sounds about right. He can’t. He gives zero fucks about anyone’s success.

(math: 0 !> X for X any positive value)

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But seriously folks, can anyone currently located in the US speak to this supposed wave of Black Americans becoming republicans?
Blexit and whatnot … the Trump campaign has gone to some effort to really stress that it is a thing and a significant numbers thing, but it’s always like one lady in the background of every video.
So…BS? Or is there in fact a wave a young Black conservatives that could surprise the country this election?

Bwahahaha, like he’d be going to anything other than a rich upper class twat jail with all the other white collar criminals.

Reason? Beats me. But here are some stats:

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Kushner’s granddad was a Jewish Holocaust survivor from a community that was mostly wiped off the face of the Earth, so I’m not putting him in the same category as Jared.


Thank you.

Oddly summarized polls in this, though. Better to click through to compare and contrast the poll results with text like this:

Notably, young Black voters don’t seem to feel as negatively about Trump as older Black Americans do. For instance, an early-July African American Research Collaborative poll of battleground states found that 35 percent of 18-to-29-year-old Black adults agreed that although they didn’t always like Trump’s policies, they liked his strong demeanor and defiance of the establishment.

So what? The results at the link show that among that age group, 47% plan to vote for Biden (8% Trump), and 79% agree Trump is a racist. On the party question, 28% think the GOP is welcoming to African Americans (72% disagree), 71% do not trust Republicans in Congress (29% trusts them). There’s also a significant percentage not motivated to vote, but no indication which party they support.


I suspect more than anything it’s a specific bloc of typical young and low information voters, and that some of them happen to be Black is getting twisted as, “Watch out all you lib snowflakes! Trump is :fire: with young Black voters!”


It’s a line from I’m Gonna Get You Sucka, spoken by the same actor.


Thank you for the reminder that sometimes I need to look before I speak. Mea culpa.


You have to hand it to Kushner.

It’s the only way he gets anything.


it’s not meant for voters who are black. it’s meant for voters who are white.

people, especially those who are racist, don’t want to be called racist - so this provides them cover in their own heads. it only fools those who are looking for an excuse to be fooled


I see what you did there…


His father-in-law.


I laughed out loud at the end at the fox news person’s response. Like they are just so exhausted from having to find ways to agree with this stuff, that was the best they could do.


Ted Cruz springs to mind.
Either version: beard or no beard.


A racist version of the same sort of scams used to sell Trump University.

(These people need to be pulled up by their jockstrap.)