Kyle Rittenhouse broods after venues — including tonight's — keep canceling on him

I’m confused. I meant the brewery cancelled the event. Do you think the brewery booked and cancelled for the publicity? It’s possible but would be playing with fire. Rottenhouse (typo but I like it) and his ilk are known for violence.

I edited my post in case my use of “they” led to the impression it was the organizers who cancelled


Thank you


Did you try to create one? If you paste the thread’s URL into the search box on the Threadreader site it will generate an unroll.


I did, but it said the thread was too old. First time that happened to me It’s odd because there should have been an unroll of that popular threadarchived by someone else. Maybe something to do with Musk pulling the API keys?


That story has me picturing the local patrons cited in the article in the “are we the baddies?” skit.
“Are we the woke mob?”

Also, good on those venues. It shouldn’t have taken their patrons bringing it to their attention, but at least they did the right thing once that happened.


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