Lance Armstrong hit parked cars, told cops his girlfriend did it

I’m sorry, he is a world class weenie

Don’t forget he sued people who accused him of doping. That’s the one that really gets me.


I love the fact that the AP article starts out with “disgraced cyclist.” If every mention of Lance started that way it would almost be just rewards.

What pisses me off was that I fought for his right to not be re-investigated for doping on several cycling boards. While I still feel that the anti doping laws are an infringement on civil rights not unlike some infringements on private pilots where stop and search with a SWAT team in a chase plane cutting into the pattern without radioing and surprising a Cessna pilot before he makes it to the taxiway to do an illegal random search. The justification in both flying and athletic competetion is that they are both privileges not rights and can be regulated in any way desired, or just don’t participate.
These statutory permission to violate the constitutional protections is BS and Armstrong gives people a name to drop when justifying them.

Right, that’s it - I’m giving this fuckstain the Mitt Romney treatment.

Fucking douchebag 'roid-boy.

BTW, that’s his face only 10% smaller, LOL


I’d argue that there are actual heroes; but that the “Heroes” manufactured to fill the rather hysterical public demand for Heroism are not the same thing, and are all-to-frequently cut from flawed cloth, papered over by hagiographers, and then immunized from criticism because having the temerity to question Our Heroes is totally the same thing as being a bitter, hateful, cynical, enemy of all that is good and inspiring in the world. Not, y’know, a simple act of moral clarity or anything like that.

The choice of athletes as ‘heroes’ is particularly fraught. I don’t suspect all athletes of being terrible people or anything; but they are selected for athletic performance, not some sort of superior moral virtue. In many sports, ‘selected for athletic performance’ has typically meant ‘doping at least hard enough to keep up with the Joneses, if not harder’, which immediately creates a giant pit o’ hypocrisy for the hagiographers to pave over and frantically deny. It’s really among the worst places to look for ‘heroes’, given the conflicting constraints.


Anyone in search of actual heroes need look no further than their local public hospital.


Of course there are actual heroes. It’s these brave soldiers:

So let me get this straight: they lied to the police, then owned up to the police, and the police were fine with that? Didn’t work so well for Chris Huhne:

People (that’s male and female) with that form of driven, arrogant narcissism are virtually always the first to walk away from a relationship. People fall for them because they’re dynamic and get stuff done. But if you want to avoid being on the receiving end, watching the way he speaks and behaves is a masterclass in what to avoid for a long term relationship.

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