Lara Trump tells poor MAGA folk to fork over $100 to "prove" they are "true Trump Republicans" (video)

This sucker is metal folks! We have limited quantities of this card

No the suckers are Trump supporters, the card is metal


No need for the card, you had me at just thump a Trumper…


There’s the Middle Class, the Lower Class, and the Upper Class, and within those dwells the Sucker Class.

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The Chumpen-proletariat.




Aside from its other deficiencies, this seems to labor under the same delusion that Elon Musk had about blue checkmarks on twitter:

Even in cases where exclusivity is basically for sale(like that of the ‘black card’ they are presumably trying to evoke) the sellers understand that the effect requires a little obfuscation to add mystique to what would otherwise be a vulgar transaction, there’s a reason why the eligibility criteria are not precisely specified, and why it’s an invitation rather than an application); and the effect is lost completely when it’s for sale for a relative pittance and with no requirements beyond the asking price.

As a cynical cash grab I suspect it’s a sensible enough choice; but as proof, to oneself or others, of group affiliation, losing a hundred bucks to conmen on the internet is pitiful compared to something more participatory, rally swag(ideally from multiple rallies, to prove endurance) or something reasonably expensive, like ALEC model legislation or a supreme court justice.


Some of them want to abuse you
Some of them want to be abused


Suddenly Kristi Noem’s ears perk up


It wouldn’t be the first time…

These people really think they can get $10,000 for $99.99, because Trump loves them so much - so it’s highly likely they think this is some sort of magic credit card.


A Trump black card?


I’m not convinced a substitute would be any better, but it might cause a few months of infighting in the Republican party.


But wait! Th there’s more!

I assume security and secret service will have to deal with a crowd of rubes who insist they can go backstage at rallies to talk to trump, as they’re Black Card members.

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And again, he somehow roped daughter-in-law Lara Trump into doing the dirty work — as in the sales pitch — in which she encourages MAGA disciples to fork over their hard-earned money to prove that they “are a true Trump Republican.”

No somehow about it, although only married into the Trumplets, Lara is a grifter like TFG. She knows when he (finally) keels over the money stops pouring in. So she will have been gagging to get in front of the cameras and separate the rubes from their money; a portion of which will go to her. There’s no way Lara and the rest of the gang want to have anything to do with their target audience - they much prefer their drip-dry, bedazzled, gold-effect illusion of wealth - but they need poor people to pay for it.


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