Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2020/01/24/las-vegas-slogan-will-no-lon.html
Reno: Our city offers many fine casinos and entertainments as well!
Vegas: (Rolling eyes) Sure you do, buddy. Sure you do.
Laughlin: Hey guys, what’s up?
Vegas: Oh God. Don’t make eye contact.
It’s trying to get out? Quarantine it immediately. Break out the Purell. This is not a drill, people!
Is this like Las Vegas breaking an NDA?
They’re preparing for all the Raiders fans.
Wait, what? Nobody gets laid in Vegas any more?
It wasn’t the slogan that took time. It was developing and patenting an exclusive new array of sins.
this seems like the soft launch
The old slogan always felt creepy to me, like an invitation to come and do crimes.
This was my assumption too although with a twist: they’re really preparing for fans of other teams to come and watch the NFL version of the Washington Generals get thumped into oblivion while everyone loses their shirts at the slots.
That’s exactly what it was
How about What happens in Vegas, happens in Vegas.
Definitely developed by a committee.
I made a new BB account just to post this classic! Thank you.
So that’s why the murder rate is so high…
"Las Vegas’ slogan will no longer be “What happens here, stays here”
They’ve legalized blackmail?