πŸ–•πŸΎπŸ–•πŸΎπŸ–•πŸΎ 🍊🍊🍊🀑🀑 Late Stage GOP ASSHATS Events πŸ–•πŸΎπŸ–•πŸΎπŸ–•πŸΎπŸŠπŸŠπŸŠπŸ€‘πŸ€‘

Thank you for your work.
I foresee such a rupture as increasingly likely, no matter how much people like you and I work the problem, organize, encourage Texans to take an interest, and try to get county / city / state gummint to respond to legit citizen/resident concerns. I’ve lost count of how many city council meetings, county commissioners court meetings, TCEQ SOAH hearings, groundwater conservation district meetings, etc. that I have attended, whether speaking up or just taking notes. Traction is slim-to-none especially at the state house (gobbless Erin Zwiener, at least she cares) and state senate. Until we equitably redraw the gerrymandered districts, dems are having to work 10x harder and still face long odds of winning.

My sense of Texas’ chance of real progress is that the oil and gas corporations simply have too strong a hold–really, a death grip–on politics to implement sensible future-minded policies, get redress for environmental damage, truly serve all Texans and not just the GOBs, Big Bidness / the wealthy, etc.

Maybe you saw this last week:


Regulatory capture + Texas Railroad Commission (folks, that commission regulates oil and gas, not railroads, it’s a long story) =

Cooked by experts [in grift].
Dished out [by elected officials and their appointees] with zero accountability.
I just can’t face another helping, and ffs I’m in CenTex, where the living is comparatively easy.

When the hell is that ouroborous gonna finish eating itself already?


ETA: clarifier