Late Stage GOP Fascists Events πŸ–•πŸΎπŸŠπŸ€‘ (Part 3)

ask and ye shall receive :smiley_cat:

Rep. Katie Porter (D-CA) released the following statement regarding her vote against expelling Rep. Santos before there’s been due process:

β€œRep. Santos clearly violated the public trust, and I would’ve voted to censure him and do believe it would be appropriate for him to resign. The gravity of expulsion demands due processβ€”by the Ethics Committee, our courts, or another impartial fact finder. To date, the Ethics Committee has not finished its investigation, and Rep. Santos has not been convicted. The House would set a dangerous precedent if we expelled a member without allowing one of these processes to conclude.”

and, unsaid, but this may have something to do with it too

the dems exchanged pulling greene’s censure in exchange for the gop pulling tlaib’s