Late Stage GOP Fascists Events 🖕🏾🍊🤡 (Part 3)

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I’m sure that eventually the San Diego Gay Republicans will come to their senses and realize that it’s all worth it for rich people to pay less taxes


Will Bunch presents a roundup of recent news lowlights from the GOP and their supporters:


And that $173 million tally will only grow as a robust international release kicks off in the coming days.

Yeah, Variety is overestimating how US culture war content plays in the rest of the world


Accusations about this guy being the right wing version of Milli Vanilli or an opportunistic industry plant

The suspicions of progressive music fans have largely to do with the fast numbers he’s racked up as an independent artist with supposedly no industry backing whatsoever. The “Rich Men” video (hosted not on his own YouTube page, but that of a site that promises “real music, real people, real cuture” [sic]) has racked up 12 million views in six days. The red-bearded upstart has accumulated 341,000 Twitter/X followers within days of registering on the site. On the iTunes downloads chart, he has the top three songs as of this writing, and five of the top 10. And while paid downloads are hardly a solid measure of broad success nowadays, Anthony’s breakout tune has cracked the top 10 on a much more indicative one, Spotify’s daily USA Top 50.


Another quote FTA may answer the quesiton:

But if an artist is known by the fans they keep, the highest-profile fans Anthony has quickly accumulated are very much on the right side of the aisle — insta-supporters like former Arizona gubernatorial candidate Kari Lake, Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene, firebrand commentator Matt Walsh, former Mumford & Sons banjoist-turned-political gadfly Winston Marshall and far-right country figure John Rich, who said he has had long conversations with Anthony and offered to produce and finance a full album. If Anthony wants to prove the centrism he professes by picking up some less partisan public figures as fans, he may have his work cut out for him, given the way he’s instantly been embraced as a hero to the right.

With friends like these, yeah no friend of mine!


Most people aren’t aware of Project 2025, or its playbook, “Mandate for Leadership: The Conservative Promise”—but you need to be. In stark terms, Project 2025 reveals the conservatives’ plan to enact a sweeping “Don’t Say Gay” policy that will effectively blot out all LGBTQ content on the internet as well as any published material with LGBTQ content, no matter how benign.

Project 2025 is a coalition of prominent conservative organizations that includes the Claremont Institute, Alliance Defending Freedom, Family Research Council, Hillsdale College, Heritage Foundation, Freedom Works, American Legislative Exchange Council, American Principles Project, and dozens of others. The organization’s goal is to lay out a “first 180 days” agenda for the next administration, and to recruit conservatives to fill positions within the federal government appointed by the executive branch.

“The Mandate for Leadership” is a 920-page document that details how the next Republican administration will implement radical and sweeping changes to the entirety of government. This blueprint assumes that the next president will be able to rule by fiat under the unitary executive theory (which posits that the president has the power to control the entire federal executive branch). It is also based on the premise that the next president will implement Schedule F, which allows the president to fire any federal employee who has policy-making authority, and replace them with a presidential appointee who is not voted on in the Senate.


But both sides are just the same!!! /s

joanna lumley rage GIF



Shockingly, fascists propose to do fascist stuff. Yup, it tracks. Vote them out in every election, from POTUS to dogcatcher. Burn the fascist party to the ground and let them try something that respects democracy. Because right now they are what they claim to fear.


. . . . so vote for a third party to register a protest vote!

/s just in case

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He seems nice


If the gop keeps this up, in a few years employers are going to start assuming that anyone who has a florida diploma knows how to skin a possum :confused:


in the hope of drawing “people into more empathy and kindness.

Have you met Evangelicals?


“in the hope of drawing “people into more empathy and kindness”

He must be doing it wrong. Very, very wrong.


The bored idiots are at it again


Never meet a reality they could not deny