Latest Trump publicity shot looks like scene from The Omen



Some well placed stoking of that line would be a good move right now. Trump is the son of Satan, as it was foretold in the movies (and the not so good TV series), he even has orange skin - which is almost like red!
All the makings of a perfect conspiracy theory.

I frequently catch myself starting to feel sorry for her. But then I think about it for a second.


Nah. She’s a member in good standing of the Church of Looking Out For Number One, where the only sheet music they have for the organ is The Battle Hymn of The Suckerfish.

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The real Melania. Riiiight


is Melania doing the white power :ok_hand:

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I thought it was pronounced Metallica.

This. I mean, there is way to much actual bad shit going on right now to be upset about his total ignorance of how churches work, but t still never ceases to amaze me. But hey, at least (maybe) nobody was assaulted to take this picture. Most people get that right on the first try but Trump is a slow learner.



Also the way it’s just a bit off center bugs me. It’s so close, just a nudge away from being centered.

Is it an intentional technique of some photographers, I wonder? Or are they just not aware of it.

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Looks like they’re waiting for John Constantine to come back for a visit.

Oh, every photo of Trump looks like a scene from the Omen and/or Texas Chainsaw Massacre.

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When Trump went to church he learned about the glory of Donald Trump…


I’m thinking the same people who claimed Obama was the antichrist.


25th of March.

Just FTR, Jared Yates Sexton coined the term, and has been hammering the term for quite a while.

For people outside the US, and especially non-anglophones, some context on the origin of the term I had to look up.

Some musings (not meant as an invitation to discussion):
While I find it a bit problematic to speak of a Cult with a capital c, which seems to suggest an Organisation or even a Conspiracy, I also think that evangelicals are an important driving force in the ongoing radicalisation in the US. They are organised, but maybe not as something like a centralised cult.

Also, as I can see from looking up “Shining City” references, this mental image pulled from the New Testament seems to have been used extensively to argue american exceptionalism across the political spectrum. When you start looking for it, you will find it everywhere. Another indicator that it could bee seen as a conspiracy.

Hence, I feel uncomfortable with the term, but I am far from an expert on the matter.
My takeaway is: I need to make sure religious beliefs are kept out of politics and policies in spheres I have do any influence on. And I need to be able to spot them. Hence, the Sexton drawing attention to this is appreciated.

Thread with the first mention of the “Cult of the Shining City”.


Maybe she’s receiving top dollar to not screw up his image?


Omarosa floated the theory in her book that Trump has made it clear that if Melania left him he would make sure she was deported and would never see her son again.


So how long will it take to reconsecrate the church?



Another thing that’s extra creepy about this round of publicity shots aimed at the Evangelicals:

They’re all in places that are vacant, or literally boarded up.