Latest Trump publicity shot looks like scene from The Omen

Knowing that Jon Lovitz is a pro-Republican Trumper, this is a very confusing image.

(Not really relevant, but recently found out Dean Cain — Lois & Clark’s Superman — is also a Trumper. He and Kevin “Hercules” Sorbo must have a lot to talk about.)

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The visual really needs the accompanying soundtrack to go with it:


I love the one of the Pope as an extra in “Dick in a Box”.


‘Isn’t Melania Jewish? It doesn’t matter to me, but it does underline the absurdity of whatever bizarro thing they are trying to project here.’

She’s Orthodox Grifter.


Hey remember last week when everyone was so pissed Biden said “you ain’t black if you’re thinking about voting for Trump!” - talk about LOL‘s!!!
What a great time that was.
But seriously, I can only hope that with each weird photo op stunt etc., Trump keeps marginalizing his base just a little more, like squeezing a really stubborn pimple. If we could only lance the whole thing before November, that would really put us in some holiday cheer mode huh?

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It’s not the Angel of Death?


But he’s pro-life, right? I’m sure he’s never had hush-money go to an abortion clinic. In that case, line the evangelicals up so he can continue to pack the courts! But not during an election year. I heard you weren’t supposed to do that.

If you think of yourself as Christian, grab that cross off of your golden chain around your neck. Sell it. Give the money to someone who needs it more than you. 2 hours a week on your day off doesn’t equate to what “Christ” wanted as a tithe. Read up on other religions and find common ground since they pretty much all spawned from the same place. Stop thinking your religion is right because it’s what your parents introduced you to. It’s okay to say “I don’t know” when someone asks you about the afterlife. It’s no so okay to say “You’re going to eternal damnations for ”.

Okay. Calming down. Off my soapbox.



When DOES it look right? I’d argue never, the man gives oompa loompas a run for their orange.

With that hair, skin, and the biggest scowl Ive ever seen on a man in a church- he’s like a pissed off trolley doll trying to look like he’s godly.

The only things biblical about trump are the levels of his narcissism and ignorance

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Perhaps she is considering applying. My favourite of these photos is the one where JP II is depicted launching a brightly decorated bocce ball

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All other things being equal, it would have been a hell of a time for Jesus to return to earth…


Nope. Still looks like scenes from the next season of the handmaid’s tale to me.


They both look like they’re angry their meal of human entrails was interrupted.


Policeman Chauvin’s wife had the spine to leave him. Apparently Melania is made of softer stuff.

            **AMERICAN GOTHIC (REDUX)**


Congratulations to the happy couple!


He wants to be Putin. image




As many have commented, this picture is just bizarre.

Anyone know where it was taken?

they look more like the twins from The Shining


I see that where the photo was taken has a nicely passive aggressive statement:

Many are aware of a presidential visit to the Saint John Paul II National Shrine today. Here is a statement from the Shrine: “The White House originally scheduled this as an event for the president to sign an executive order on international religious freedom. This was fitting given Saint John Paul II was a tireless advocate of religious liberty throughout his pontificate. International religious freedom receives widespread bipartisan support, including unanimous passage of legislation in defense of persecuted Christians and religious minorities around the world. The Shrine welcomes all people to come and pray and learn about the legacy of Saint John Paul II.”

I don’t think ‘religious freedom’ means what they think it does.