Laughing Stanford rapist Brock Turner to be released after only 3 months in prison for rape

Please tell me this waste of breath has to register as a sex offender.


Why would he? Did he urinate in public?


lies, damned lies, and statistics… certainly there are some correlations in the data, but even if you accept the statistical data, you really should be wary of drawing too many conclusions without some significant corroborating evidence (another statistical datum might be the higher prevalence of crime committed by african americans for example - and I mean actual crime, not just bogus inflated drug busts**; and I think we all would know not to draw the wrong conclusions from that data, so why are people so ready to do so when it comes to certain other groups of people?).

attributing to individual occurrences ‘causes’ gleaned from correlative statistical factors often goes by another more common name, prejudice.

at best, such statistical evidence tells us we have a problem, very rarely does it tell us what the causes of the problem are, or what to do about them. the world is sadly too complicated a place for that.

** the bogus drug busts might seem to be a great way to counter, to provide more evidence of white-privilege in action; but again, we should be wary of attributing to invisible social pressures what can probably be better explained by contingent historical events. especially when that leads to lots of counter-productive and divisive nonsense which gets in the way of implementing actual real solutions, like decriminalising marijuana in this case.

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yes. and for the rest of his life.


Rape doesn’t require genitals. It’s about power, not sex.


Privilege is not some absolute shield, it’s a finger on the scale. He’s white: that’s a finger. He’s male: that’s a finger. He’s wealthy: that’s a couple fingers.


Excellent analogy.


Thank you kindly.


De nada.


If someone you love gets victimized this is what you and they can expect.

Unless you don’t go to the cops and do what comes naturally.

maybe, maybe not. it’s all speculation on our part. we can point to statistical data to inform us of possible trends and issues that may exist, but like I’ve said already, we can’t work backwards from that to determine causes in specific situations, that’s not how statistics work.

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Us 99 %er’s need to remember our place regarding these 1% overlords of ours. Our place is to remind them that we are the cake-eaters of yore…and for this little cupcake I even got some icing for his little pastry.

“Your ears you keep, and I’ll tell you why…”


He’ll have to go into hiding. He’ll have to change his name from “Brock” to somethe less… douchie. Something like “Barron.”


"…So that every shriek of every child at seeing your hideousness is yours to cherish.

Every babe that weeps at your approach, every woman who cries out, ‘dear God, what is that thing?’ will echo in you perfect ears."


Moreover this doesn’t actually end his sentence; he still has to do the 3 years of probation, during which time his probation officer can throw him back into prison on a whim. It does nevertheless seem a remarkably substantial cut in the punitive part of his sentence.

Lawmakers outraged over the original decision have passed mandatory sentencing guidelines for sexual assault, the bill is heading for Governor Brown’s desk. Mandatory sentencing rarely works out well, it disproportionately singles out people of color, and sometimes makes it harder to convict if the jury thinks sentence is too severe for the accused; this might be what happened in the Colorado case mentioned upthread.


Thank you for understanding.

Buttercup / Westley 2016


maybe, maybe not. it’s all speculation on our part.

About what? Whether such categorical, socially bestowed privileges exist?

I don’t “speculate” about them. I know while they’re not a causal factor in every social interaction, they do exist. And if you think they don’t, and/or that they’re insignificant, you’re nucking futs.


Oh, I groks the PB references; I grew up on that movie.
