Originally published at: Lauren Boebert comedy routine falls flat | Boing Boing
“How can Joe Biden call America First conservatives a threat to democracy…”
Well, you see, they’re not actually patriots supporting America. They’re fascists supporting their regressive vision for a theocratic dictatorship, dressed up in an American flag.
As foretold by the prophecy.
While nobody knows who came up with the exact words “When fascism comes to America, it will be wrapped in the flag and carrying a cross,” it’s been going around for decades, and the sentiment is older still.
I’m pretty sure she doesn’t understand how the name “Karen” is traditionally applied as a pejorative.
A person can be very intelligent and not have a post-secondary education. Lauren Boebert is not that person.
Indeed. Her level of understanding and that of a graduate of Liberty University are indistinguishable.
I thought it was from Sinclair Lewis
Most people do, but apparently if he did write it down, nobody can find where.
He was one of a group of people who made the observation, though.
Whats the material difference between nationalism and nationalism?
And very few Karens seem to be the types likely to have daughters doing lesbian dance degrees, either. Boebert strikes me as exactly the sort of person likely to do a ‘Karen’ at the local mall if she hadn’t made it into politics.
This reminds me of the old western movies where the villain makes someone “dance” with a six-shooter.
Lauren Boebert is what you get when you ban books.
I was waiting for the part where the bear comes out’a the woods and eats her. But again I was disappointed.
Boebert calling out “Karen” is a case of Karen calling the Karen Karen.
One of it’s legs is both the same.
Lauren, don’t quit your day job to go into comedy. Just quit your day job.
Just quit,
It occurs to me that in some sense Lauren Boebert is a comedy routine that falls flat…ridiculous but not the least bit enjoyable. We so desperately need to get rid of the mandatory audience participation.