Lauren Boebert thrashes other Republicans in Colorado primary

I hate elected judges. Missouri has an interesting system, at least in the larger counties like those of Kansas City and St. Louis. There, a special commission sends three nominees for any vacancy to the governor, who then appoints whoever they choose. Then, at the next general election after that judge has served one year, they go on the ballot by themselves for an up or down vote by the voters. You vote yes to keep them, no to get rid of them. If a simple majority votes yes, then that judge gets to complete their full term, which varies from 4 to 12 years depending on the specific court. I guess it’s not an awful system, but it was extremely rare for a judge to get voted out after their first year. They never campaigned, so unless you really followed the courts closely, you had no idea who these judges were when you voted on them, so most people just voted yes. On the other hand, at least it’s not a lifetime appointment.


I always check with both the ABA and the state BA to get their official list of recommendations, which is something at least. They really do sometimes say ‘not this person’!

I always end up voting with a lot of pieces of paper (research)!


She won it handily.


Ah yes, my favorite of Christ’s teachings:

Fondle other’s genitals as you would have them fondle yours.


Isn’t “Christian Morals” someone’s porn name?


I’m sure it is now…

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Yeah CJ Johnson is also Ball aerospace’s VP of diversity and inclusion something something. Even if his heart is in the right place his perception is warped by his position.

And my mistake the other contested race was for the State Board of Education. An experienced educator won against a terrible Karen-mom with no experience pushing charter school deregulation. The Karen-mom had the Governor’s endorsement and still lost.

The liberal places swing more liberal and towards experienced people, the conservatives swing towards the pretty sluts that give handjobs in theatres. American Politics is no fun.

As an aside, I worked in the last republican governor’s administration. I watched the referendum C and D debacle from the inside, and the subsequent divvying up of the scraps of their majority as they were voted out. The rep us were paying so much attention to pretending to be the heroes that fixed TABOR they didn’t put any effort in stopping the marijuana decriminalization and that’s why it passed. Then gov Owens said “We didn’t put any time into the issue”.

Bobo’s “star power”: (_*_)

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Proving that, since Reagan, it’s been celebrity over content.

No need to bring misogyny into it, you could have said the conservative areas voted for appearance and ignored experience and qualifications.


The GOP base knows what it wants and it wants assholes.


I still can’t believe Beschizza didn’t go with “Boebert beats off challengers in CO republican primary”…


“Handily.” I see what you did there.


The two comments directly below are about her giving a hand job in public. Spare me the indignation about a moniker that she earned in the public eye.

They described what she did, they didn’t give a misogynistic name to her for it. Slut is an inherently misogynistic term, it shames a woman for having multiple sexual partners, something men are not judged nearly as harshly for.

What she did was wrong, especially in public, but there are a hundred ways to describe it, even in graphic detail, without resorting to misogynist language.


Mel Brooks Morons GIF

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