Originally published at: https://boingboing.net/2024/06/21/lauren-boebert-wants-10-commandments-in-schools-so-children-know-right-from-wrong.html
She knows right from wrong, chooses wrong and expects there to be no consequences to her.
Why ten…?
In the end, however much they go on about principles and values in their public blathering to the suckers, right-wingers like Boebert really have none except the narcissistic and greed-driven will to power.
The Ten Commandments (‘more like guidelines’) of the church of the Flying Spaghetti Monster include "thou shalt not steal thy neighbor’s wifi" (“but you still may covet his husband”)
If posting the 10 Commandments is enough to teach them right from wrong, maybe the Magas should post them in their own offices.
I wouldn’t be surprised if most already do because they’re great at virtue signalling.
If someone needs the implied threat of God watching them to be good, doesn’t that suggest they’re not a good person? In that case I’d question whether they should be “in charge” of anyone except maybe themselves.
Pretty good list. This Christian is certainly happy to subscribe to all of it (especially #5!) I might perhaps take minor issue with #4 because there is evidence that some people do have what are termed addictive personalities which makes them more prone to bad decisions over how they control their body (and, especially, how others may choose to try to do so) - and that sometimes leads to consequences for others (see #6.) But I absolutely understand the intent.
That’s because the 10 commandments weren’t hanging in her classroom when she was a kid.
I get the impression that Evangelicals think that everyone is a degenerate who needs the fear of God to keep them in line. They are morally superior because they have that fear; they all struggle with perverted desires and resist them only thanks to their faith in God, which means that everyone in the godless world outside must be even more degenerate than they are. They know that an alarming number of pastors are child molestors, but they also know that those pastors are good Christian men who fell into temptation because their faith wasn’t quite strong enough, ergo there must be many more child molesters out in the secular world who don’t have any faith or fear to restrain them.
Sure, but when someone like Boebert takes up the cause, it becomes obvious. One only need ask her the question, “So did you have the ‘Ten Commandments’ posted in your home?” Should she say, “no,” the obvious response is, “Well, obviously you didn’t think it was important (especially since you’ve made it clear you don’t think the government should be allowed to act as a ‘nanny state’ that imparts values to children instead of parents).” If she says, “yes,” then the obvious response is, “Well, it clearly didn’t do anyone in your family any good.” More likely she’s going to waffle on about how her family went to church (true or not), the kids went to Sunday school, etc. In which case the obvious response is, “All of that clearly didn’t do your family any good, yet you’re claiming a simple poster will?”
For far too long, it wasn’t acknowledged that the moral stances of the right were entirely disingenuous. Mainstream culture treated them as uncompromising and perhaps extreme, but consistent. I don’t feel like this charade really started fraying until they went all-in on Trump, but it really needs to be pointed out whenever possible.
… in an authoritarian universe, there are not “good people” and “bad people” — there is obedience and disobedience
As I’ve said in the past - I kinda feel for this Boebert kid (who’s the same age and similar looking to my own).
I can’t imagine what it’s like growing up in that environment - the intersection of hypocrisy and desperation.
Perhaps he’ll be ok but the cards are stacked against him.
She wants kids to know right from wrong? How about a Congresswoman who reaches for her date’s crotch during a live theater performance? I don’t think the Ten Commandments posted anywhere would teach her how to behave.
The Invisible Bearded Sky Man™ is the Strictest Father of them all.
Totally agree. And while his mom is a nightmare, it’s not this young man’s fault. I don’t think BB splashing his mugshot on posts to make a point about Lauren’s hypocrisy is at all a Wonderful Thing or fair to him.
In fairness to Boebert, there isn’t a commandment that says you can’t jerk your date off in a crowded theatre during a performance of Beetlejuice. I’m sure an upstanding politician like herself never would have done a thing like that if there were a commandment expressly forbidding such behaviour. Really, it’s God’s fault when you think about it: He should have been more specific.