Lauren Boebert's son called 911 accusing his father of "throwing me around" the house

She complains about folks being all up in her business, but I get the feeling that CPS really ought to be. :man_shrugging:


That boy is in real danger. And I hope that poor little girl runs away with the baby and makes sure it never spends a day in that house.


Yup. Pretty common among hypermasculine fragile snowflakes.


So was this poor young man left in an avusive household? Is he still there? Makes me feel ill that he called for help and help probably abandoned him.


Should have used birth control Boebert.


Keegan Michael Key Stop GIF by Playing With Fire


in some states for domestic violence the state files the complaint so that the victim doesn’t have to. possibly not in colorado though

there’s already been a bunch of reporting on how deferential the police have been to boebert and her husband, so im guessing they’re ignoring this either way :confused:


Yeah she should have dumped her shitty husband and tried to grow as a person years ago but do we have to pretend that the child being abused shouldn’t exist?

Damn child abuse is tough to talk about.

This shit is just dark. I have been a kid in a system like that and you don’t call the cops on your dad even if you have to die in agony alone…

If he called then he is in real danger. He’s trying to survive. It’s pretty bleak. And the coment from dad was basically gloating over it. He’s not going to stop.

Shit’s fuckin me up to think about though.


Does it matter? Kids don’t deserve to get beat. Even kids who get their gf pregnant… WTF?


Uh, so, this kid is 15, right? Shouldn’t there be a CPS case opened up here?

If his dad is throwing him around, that isn’t good and is probably going to get worse.

If hes violent with him, he probably has or will be violent with her. And the stress and animosity of divorce can push people over the edge.

She is “busy” in congress so it isn’t like he can stay with her, can he move in with grandparents or someone? Or even his GF’s parents maybe?

Do they only have one kid?


More than one and it’s a miracle none has been shot so far.


This situation is pretty concerning considering other reports from her town that police ignore complaints from neighbors about threatening behavior from her future ex.

@knoxblox: In the current light, that x-mas photo looks like the kids trying to circle around mom, the younger boys for protection, the eldest looks ready to shoot dad.


Yeah, I noticed the eyes too. Uncomfortable.


Poor kids. What a nightmare.


If anyone should have used birth control, it’s Boebert’s parents.



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Kick father right in the test-the-bulls.

Sorry, I’ll bear that in mind. :+1:

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Seems like a very wholesome family.

I’m not sure about most, but he does own a lot of them. Buffett likes companies and industries with monopolies or very consolidated power.

The trailer park industry used to be primarily mom and pop ownership. But Buffett, Zell and others have been buying up the properties. People may own the trailers themselves, but the new corporate ownership comes in and raise rents, cut back on spending and absolutely love tenants who have no options. And if they can’t keep up the rent payments, it often means they can’t afford to move the trailer and they just give it up. It’s capitalist awfulness. As usual, when you start to really look at billionaires you realize they terrible, exploitive human beings. I’ve had some push back on that sentiment, but from everything I have seen or read I believe it is true.


I got real lucky in the 9th grade to have One of Those Teachers, the ones you never forget. We read very dark, very challenging books and we worked through them with compassion and nuance in a way that’s now explicitly illegal in some states.

She taught us that it’s important to understand people and their pain genuinely and compassionately - and then still hold them to account for their actions. And she even did it in a way that allowed for us to forgive ourselves for getting it wrong, as long as we held ourselves to account and sincerely worked to do better. What a hell of an educator, thank you Ms. Roberts.

This stuff is complicated and messy, and hard to talk about without exposing yourself to criticism. I’m glad we have spaces like this to, at the very least, hash out our own thoughts on difficult stuff. And maybe also work get dangerous people out of policy-making positions of power.