Lavabit's owner threatened with arrested for shutting down rather than spying on customers

Think lasers and mirrors, instead! You can do it! I know you can!

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I wonder how the PirateBay guys do it. Their servers keep getting raided, their admins put in jail one after the other, and still the site is invariably up and running.


It’s always amazing when people realize that Cory Doctorow’s books are NOT fiction stories , but rather, prophetic how to manuals.


Surely there are similar mail services outside the US? All this mess means is that US-based cloud services can’t be trusted. But outside the US jurisdiction, you’re pretty safe. At least for now.


The people chanted: “We don’t need your inculcation. We don’t need your thought control. No dark surveillance on the web. Securitor, leave those citizens alone!”


P.S. cue Floyd.

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Have to say I’d read it.

Legacy of Snow

Then again I still want someone to draw a peanuts esque comic of Snowden towlsnapping Obama with his blanket.

That better be ironic, yo…

There may be a way, but it may take someone smarter than me to figure it out

My idea used end-to-end encryption, but there are just too many ways that the client itself can be subverted if Mallory takes control of the company, even if the client is open source and especially if it’s Javascript in a browser. With native apps, one issue is automatic updates. Enough people might accept them and be in trouble, especially if there is a plausible story. We need something distributed, secure and likely P2P all the way down.

Maybe the child of Freenet and Tor will pull it off.

Better yet, we need to reign in our governments, because nothing beats the $5 wrench.

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Civil liberties in the US seem to be circling the bowl faster and faster. May be time to cut my ties to the land of my birth once and for all.

It’s better to fight the bastards on their own ground. Don’t go, take action with the rest of us that realize this IS the fight of our lives and for future generations.

Thirteenth Amendment anyone? Because when that one goes, we are all seriously fucked.

The prison-industiral complex is doing everything they can to circumvent it “legally”…

If you look at the dailykos article, that’s one of many reasons why I hold my nose any time “Reason Mag” ends up on boingboing.


You don’t really understand how tor works do you? First of all, if you make an assertion regarding who runs the exit nodes, you really need to back it up with at least some documentation. Second of all, controlling exit nodes doesn’t mean your anonymity has been compromised. The exit nodes don’t know who you are unless you access services through tor that can be directly linked back to you. In other words, for regular browsing, tor is more than sufficient for privacy, and if you want further privacy, just make sure that any communication you send through the tor network (esp. if it can identify who you are) is strong-encrypted.

And the fact that several highly illegal black market tor hidden services are still running years after they became public knowledge belies your assertions about tor.

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Have you ever wanted to do something when shit like this happens? Feel like everyone is all talk and worried you may be so as well?

Donate at his link of the bottom of his webpage:

Add a little bit of “danger” to your life and feel good while doing it. Help send a message, tell the powers that be to go to hell and do something positive to help someone who is trying to help you.

It’ll feel good to be radical, try it and tell your friends and family. Let’s rock this country out and show the world Americans are READY TO FIGHT.


TOR is useless

What do you suggest is better?

I’m thinking mentats and cones of silence.

Use the cone of silence to tell your mentat the message, and then pay him to meet with whoever you want to receive the message. Then have them use a cone of silence to relay the message.

This system is weak against “gun to the temple” and “here’s a bag of money to tell me what he said” style attacks but it’s still probably more reliable than the internet, especially if you make your mentat’s existence comfortable enough.


Thanks for the encouragement to stay, though I’ve been gone since 1983 when my parents moved to Canada. I was 5. I don’t feel particularly American, though, and events in the last couple years are really pushing me to cut ties.

It’s funny that until around 2010 or so, being a dual citizen was a good thing. The last few years, the US has worked very hard to make the cost of being a citizen abroad outweigh the benefits of remaining one. Thanks, petty partisan politics!

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Yeah, the Supreme in Supreme Court doesn’t mean quite what it used to mean.

Not really. There’s a difference between running a hidden service (that’s within the Tor network) and an exit node (where you make requests through the Tor network to the open network).

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What’s in the box?

Surely the next step in this game is to start secretly demanding of certain citizens that they start businesses and begin enterprises which they would never have undertaken of their own accord.

“Start a company which filters dissenting political opinions from web based communications and injects approved, replacement information to or we’ll throw you in jail and torture you for the rest of your life.”

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It doesn’t mean they stop working. This is the time they go back to speak with their constituents.