Leaked Sonic the Hedgehog movie design looks like a dollar-store cereal mascot

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They should make it a cyberpunk/Matrix sort of thing with a slamming EDM/Harsh/Industrial soundtrack.


Yep, and that’s fine…
the only overlap is four limbs and some spines…

Absurd caricatures can work fine for some media, but where this goes wrong is taking an absurd caricature and then trying to re-normalise some of it…

It simply doesn’t work, what you end up is amplified ‘uncanny valley’ effects that just look ‘wrong’ on every level to most people…

Honestly they should have kept the animation style from the original cartoon series and overlaid it onto 3D film Roger rabbit style… It’d still be somewhat nonsensical, but at least look far less wrong than this abomination…


Don’t make me block you…


Not really. People whose design is informed purely by derivatives of derivatives of derivatives always produce crap art.

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Agreed. Even if they decided to go CGI instead of 2D animation they could have just lifted the version of Sonic from Wreck-it-Ralph instead of sending the character into uncanny valley.


Indeed, something like that would work well i think :slight_smile:

Thinking about it, even with the detective pikachu movie trailers they somehow slightly got the concept going. Same instant recoil at the ‘uncannyvalley-ness’ of it, but i eventually got over that.

This Sonic concept just grates, wrong to me on every level start to finish.

Can’t properly explain why, but it is what it is :slight_smile:

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Oh my god that was some hideous drawing - I saw a similar article on terrible proportions once before, pretty sure he featured heavily, and no I won’t go look it up, nobody needs more of that.

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Someone on Twitter pointed out that the difference between Sonic and Detective Pikachu is that the pikachu in DP still looks like pikachu, with the “realism” dial cranked to 11. Sonic, on the other hand, looks nothing like any classic depiction of Sonic in any 2D or 3D medium, so we don’t have anything to which we can anchor our visual understanding of it. It’s like the design team got all their reference material by searching “anthro sonic” on deviantART.


Someone made the observation that it seems like they’re redesigning him to make him “fit in” to a world of humans to look less “out of place”, what with his long human legs and such. Which makes some kind of sense, but also tells me that the people in charge of this have exactly the wrong idea of what to do with Sonic. Making him more human is the worst possible approach to his design.

And as far as what they may have referenced, well… I think both deviantART and FA are good candidates. Especially the latter (possibly NSFW!)

I saw the following on twitter which is a vast improvement on this travesty and seeing that pikachu kinda works in the trailer for the new film i don’t see why they couldn’t keep it closer to the original.


Imagine the quantity and quality of the meetings which lead up to the point that they’d literally forgotten that hedgehogs have spines and not abstract spikes made up of photorealistic hair. And hairy white hands.

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