Originally published at: Lego piece found in 32-year-old's nose after decades - Boing Boing
Doctor: You seem to have some kind of airway blockage.
Patient: That’s what I’ve been saying.
Doctor: No, I mean you have a literal block in your airway.
Ahhhh childhood, I remember it well. Playing in mud, making fart noises and laughing uncontrollably at those fart noises, writing on the walls, knock-knock jokes, wondering what dirt tastes like, putting stuff up your nose. . .
You know, the classics.
So the dude never had a doctor look up his nose in all that time?
It must have felt really good to leggo, after all that time.
Does this mean he’s not a stud any more?
Maybe he’s got a deviated septum and that little piece got lodged just right? From the video, looks like see-through green flat round 1x. Ever have a really fun sinus infection featuring green snot? I think I get why doctors overlooked this Lego for so many years.
*Lego technical writer sighs, adds another section to “Illegal Lego Building Techniques” documentation.
Childhood? You’ve just described by daily schedule!
We should hang out sometime.
I’m too busy; this dirt ain’t going to taste itself
At 32 he probably reached the point in life where he now has “dad sneezes”, the kind that can wake the neighbors, break glass and dislodge Lego pieces.
Request from LEGO fans: Please take down the story before the EU hears about it.
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