Leon Musk complains there is not enough assasinating going on

Originally published at: Leon Musk complains there is not enough assasinating going on - Boing Boing


The second most arrogant man on Earth has never heard of /s. That makes sense.


This is not a joke. Freedom of speech does not include yelling “fire” in a crowded theater, and this is just that on a much, much larger scale, and in direct contravention of several statutes, including 18 US code section 871:

Arrest him. Prosecute him. Jail him. This is blatantly illegal and unless stopped may well result in a violation of section 1751


This might be the case. But musk didn’t mean it as sarcasm. It wasn’t a joke. He’s only claiming that now because he might experience some consequences


It turns out that unfunny “jokes” are even more unfunny when the Secret Service visit you for a nice chat.

I’m just surprised that he isn’t crying about censorship, so maybe he hasn’t had that chat yet.


But ‘he’s just asking questions’ so that makes inciting violence ok!


First lie: this was a joke.
Second lie: his jokes are at all funny in person.

Elon Musk Snl GIF by Saturday Night Live


“Turns out that jokes are WAY less funny if people don’t know the context and the delivery is plain text.”

And our technolord genius finally makes the discovery that most people make in their first three months on the Internet, which is that text lacks nuance and jokes get misunderstood.

Obviously, Musk thinks he knows the answer to his own question, because whenever someone like him is “just asking questions” (smiley-thoughtful-face), it’s because they’ve already made their minds up and are dog-whistling to people who think like them. I assume his answer is that people who hate Trump are violent and anti-democratic, whereas the people who hate Biden/Harris are disciplined and orderly and believe too deeply in democracy to take a shot at the opposition.

This is not, I think, really supported by the facts. Particularly because in the last two attempts on Trump’s life, it seems rather as if the calls were coming from inside the house.

So perhaps the actual answer to Elon’s question is that Trump projects violence and instability, and this makes him the subject of obsessive attention from violent and unstable people. Or maybe it’s just that he has, unfortunately, given himself iconic status. If you’re seeking notoriety, he’s the white whale you want to harpoon.

We’ve moved on from the days of “Sic semper tyrannis”; the catchphrase of today’s version of John Wilkes Booth is more likely to be “like and subscribe”.


the nytimes recently ran an article on his paranoia


His security team now operates like a mini-Secret Service, and he is guarded more like a head of state than a business executive, security experts said. Mr. Musk, who was once flanked by two bodyguards, travels with as many as 20 security professionals who show up to research escape routes or to clear a room before he enters. They often carry guns and have a medical professional in tow for Mr. Musk, who has been code-named “Voyager” by his security team.

The threats to his safety have led Mr. Musk to become more fearful and his lifestyle more isolated, three people close to him said. He is rarely without bodyguards — even when he went to the bathroom at X, his social media company — according to a 2023 lawsuit filed by former employees over severance pay. At times, he has overstated the severity of threats, including once inaccurately saying two people indicted in separate incidents had carried guns.

or maybe, just maybe, the Supreme Court has failed to file timely economic impact statements for each of it’s “gun rights” decisions.


What I’m waiting for is J D Vance saying that assassination attempts are just a fact of life.

I’ll probably be waiting for some time.


Musk knows he’s untouchable because he’s got his fingers in everything. FCC fine for running a Nazi website? Ok, no more rocket ships to the ISS.
SEC violation and subsequent punishment? Turns Starlink off over Ukraine.

These arseholes get into some feedback loop that makes them think they are elevated above ramifications - but everyone gets their day of comeuppance in one way or another.


Yes. Because the Federal government can actually say “Due to vital national security reasons, we’re taking over SpaceX and Starlink. You may get them back once we’ve sorted everything out.”


No one is truly ‘untouchable’; no one.


I imagine that revoking his security clearance would make his position at SpaceX untenable.


“I am so misunderstood.”

I’m just a guy whose intentions aren’t good
Oh Lord, why am I always misunderstood


United States






If the Navy or others end up using StarLink, they absolutely need to take over control of it.

I thought I read awhile ago the Pentagon was looking into developing their own version. I dunno where they are with that, but a critical piece of communications for the military shouldn’t be in the hands of a private business person.

It would be like relying on private GPS satellites.