Liberal-hating pilot caught on hot mic over Bay Area, and it ain't pretty

My anecdotal experience in my locality also confirms this. They are also usually quick to say “don’t you miss the days when people could say what they really think?” and I think, always without saying anything, “My god what is it that you don’t already say???”


Totally. This was a huge cultural effect of Trump- we found out how many people were just being polite this whole time and keeping the bile to themselves.

A customer wrote me an email the other day to thank me for a service I had provided, and finished it with an unsolicited rant about many things similar to what this pilot said, all written in a tone that presumed that I, of course, agree with his obvious statements of facts. This sort of thing happens all the time now.

I guess it’s helpful that the monsters are openly identifying themselves.


I dunno… I rather preferred it when they weren’t confident enough to spread their bile in public and emboldened enough to stage bloody insurrections.

I want to live in a world where LGBTQ people don’t have to fear coming out of the closet but racist assholes do.


Crap, I used to own a Hyundai and I ending up selling it and buying a Jeep. Do I have to turn in my liberal card now?

(I temporarily signed up for Canada’s Liberal party about a decade ago. I never renewed my membership with the party after that year but I do, technically, have a long-expired “liberal card” in a drawer somewhere).

Subaru Outbacks are so popular here in Vancouver that we joke that they just issue you one when you get a BC driver’s license. But when I told a friend from the middle of the country I was thinking of buying one, his response was “What? Why do you want a lesbian car?”.

Because he’s a friend, I was able to spend a considerable amount of time verbally handing him his ass, but besides being offensive it’s just such a fucking odd concept. What on earth would make a car a lesbian car? Does it make you more attractive to women? Because if so, as a straight male, I also would appreciate that feature.


You might consider a Jaguar.


Honestly, the whole vehicle as identity thing just makes me feel so embarrassed for people who think it matters. Same with my phone; it’s a tool and I choose it the same way I chose a hammer… an incredibly sophisticated hammer. It’s almost as if the people who accuse others of wanting things for spurious reasons are, themselves the ones who want things for spurious reasons.

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A more detailed article here shows that the still-unidentified Southwest pilot attracted the attention of the FAA. Not only was his tirade unpleasant, but he flouted the “sterile cockpit” rule (no conversation unrelated to the tasks at hand) for commercial aircraft in the taxi and takeoff phase. The longer ATC recording showed his subsequent radio work was less than professional, and he forgot to switch frequencies from Tower to Bay Departure, indicating his brain wasn’t in the game.


How in the F did that get past advertising standards?

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It’s a gag from the movie Crazy People. Basically an ad exec goes off the rails and starts writing painfully honest (yet successful!) ad copy, iirc. He is then institutionalized and hilarity ensues, ‘natch!

ETA: That’s also why the image sucks; it’s a screen grab.

Ahhh that makes sense, and that egg is very reminiscent of the HHGTG cover image.

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