Lindsey Graham threatens Democrats: "If this is the new norm, you better watch out for your nominees"

Sure sounds like conspiracy to suborn perjury to me, and he can lose his law license for that. Or maybe solicitation of perjury testimony, which the DOJ says is obstruction of justice.1

1 I am not a lawyer, nor do I play one on TV.


I’m currently in the process of filing ethics complaints against the dozen or so Senators who blocked Merrick Garland’s nomination. Based on public statements, and the fact that we have definitive proof of hacking in our election, their unprecedented decision to “Delay, delay, delay” coupled with public statements that infer they knew that the election was not going to go Democrats way. “Delay, delay, delay” is a strange set of words to use if you are unsure what the result will be. This in and of itself is not so damning, but when you couple it with statements made by Senators in writing that they would not ever hold a hearing for Merrick after the election then it’s either a blatantly stubborn refusal to confirm Mrs. Clinton’s appointment, had she won, or they are acknowledging they know already the outcome and won’t be offering a vote for Merrick because they will be nominating someone else. Given Mitch McConnels damning bragging to his constituents in Aug2016 hat hs greatest accomplishment was looking President Obama in the eye and saying, “Mr President, you will never make that appointment.” Is another strange admission of guilt, given he doesn’t or shouldn’t know who the next President is, he could as easily have been still looking at a Merrick Garland appointment but knew already in August and was sufficiently sure to report it to his constituents that he had succeeded in something there was technically 4 months left to accomplish. Either they were knowledgeable about the results ahead of time, or they were guilty of obstructing a President performing HIS constitutional duties to select a nominee with the Senate’s role being only advise and consent. Choosing who is a candidate is not a function of the Senate and unintentionally provides insight into the fact that they might have had information the election would be tampered with as early as August, and may point to some even further as yet unknown additional hacking upon the election itself which could have left them sure their success was imminent.


I thought this was particularly insightful.


Interestingly, he was ALSO a student at Georgetown Prep in the early eighties, however none of the female students who knew him at the time accused him of drunkenly groping them.

I wonder why…


Surprise twist to the story!


“To my Republican colleagues,” he said, “if you can ignore everything in this record, looking at an allegation that’s 35 years old, that’s uncertain for time, place, date and no corroboration, if that’s enough for you, god help us all as Republicans. Because this happens to us, it never happens to them.”

I’m assuming he means “us” as “republicans.” Not all people who identify as republicans are bad people, that’s simply a factor of the law of large numbers, but it’s also something that I’ve observed. Different way of understanding the world, a way that I disagree with, sure, but not one driven by malice or evil.

With that said, the republican party platform is built on a lot of things that are very attractive to bad people. That’s why republicans are “targeted” more–they aren’t, it’s just that the platform and the sort of authoritarian lilt of their message and its delivery appeals more to the kinds of people who are also more likely to engage in these kinds of crimes. It’s not evil sneaky democrats hatching devious plans to smear all the republicans–which, if it were, wow is it not very effective, those bastards have control of almost the entire country at almost every level of government–it’s just that the republican party is far more accepting of that kind of behavior in rather ironic given they’re the party of “values.”

Democrats aren’t saints, and a lot of them hold views that I find reprehensible too, but as a member of neither party, I can say that the democrats seem to attract lower-grade sleaze than the republicans do on average. That, Mr. Graham, you snarling Confederate squeak toy, is the reason why “this happens to us, never to them.”

And one last time, just reminding everybody again that Kavenaugh worked hard to bring charges against Bill Clinton for lying about having consensual sexual interactions with Monica Lewinsky. Kavenaugh helped fuel the case, helped justify it, helped justify bringing the charges against Clinton, and spent a long time doing it. This same, supposedly completely innocent man, wants to be confirmed as soon as possible, and wants no further investigation, refuses to answer questions directly or at all, and acts like a toddler in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee. I don’t know what was more upsetting, Donald Trump ranting live, half-crazed with senility, about how “Mr. Pillsbury” (who the fuck is that? I’ve not actually seen an answer) has assured him that China is very afraid of his big, big brain, or a potential supreme court justice acting like a belligerent child in front of the Senate Judiciary Committee.

What I heard yesterday was not the testimony of an innocent man with nothing to hide. That was the testimony of a liar who is pinned and left with only two options: lashing out, and telling bigger lies. That was all he did yesterday. When someone asks you if you’ve ever been so drunk that you blacked out, it’s a simple fucking answer, yes, or no. You don’t ask, “well, have you?! have you?!” Not really relevant asshole, no one has come forth with a compelling claim of sexual assault against them, but they have against you, so how about you answer the question.

And for all those little worms in the Congress who “just can’t imagine what your family is going through.” I’ll bet you can, and you’re worried they’ll find out because you’ve got some skeletons in your closet too. It’s abusive shitbags helping abusive shitbags so they can help other abusive shitbags later. They talk about a “disgrace” in politics? Well that’s a goddamned disgrace. Someone coming forward about being raped by a man who is theoretically about to obtain one of the most powerful positions in the entire world is what should happen, and if he did it, it should “ruin his life” even if it was “thirty some years ago!” The disgrace is that rather than taking any of the allegations seriously, all they care about is securing control of the supreme court for the foreseeable future.


Is it the conservative bubble, is that why they never seem to acknowledge Garland? “Kavanaugh must be seated immediately” but that seat was left unfilled for more than a year for no reason other than screwing Obama and the Democrats out of getting a Justice.

It’s like how they talk about “Trump Derangement Syndrome” while ignoring that Obama was called a dictator before he even took oath, and his birth certificate was all they could think about for 5 years.


“If you’re looking for a fair process, you came to the wrong town at the wrong time, friend.”

The projection in Lindsay’s final quote in this clip is amazing. Yup, Mr. Graham, you set up this process to ensure that it’s as unfair to 51% of America’s population as possible. Pat yourself on the back, mission accomplished.


This is comedy gold, and an excellent psychobilly album title. Well done.


“This is the most unethical sham since I’ve been in politics.”

Wait a minute, I thought Graham had been a Senator for a couple of years now. Did he just show up this week? (On the back of a turnip truck?)


Lindsey Graham can fuck off and die.

"I’ve had this burning in my guts now for so long
My belly’s aching now to say

To say
You’re just
A fuck
I can’t explain it 'cause I think you suck

I’m taking pride
In telling you to fuck off and die

I’ve had this burning in my guts now for so long
My belly’s aching now to say

I’m taking pleasure in announcing this to you
So listen up 'cause you might miss

You’re just
A fuck
I can’t explain it 'cause I think you suck

I’m taking pride
In telling you to fuck off and die

Good night" -Green Day


I think this is called the “just world fallacy”


Sadly, I agree. This will not happen in the current world. Way to many powerful men invested in keeping any further facts and questions silent. Until the power structure changes, or rather is changed, there will be no justice. All you have to do is look at the Stanford rape case and the more recent travesty in Alaska to realize that women currently are viewed as disposable and subhuman, to be used by men at will and shamed if they speak out. I am a father of daughters, and I could not watch most of this “hearing” due to recurrent waves of nausea.


you better watch out for your nominees

“be a SHAME if anything … oh wait”


I do find it vaguely comforting that even Lindsey Graham seems to have already subconsciously accepted that Republicans will soon lose most of their power, and will shrivel back into the “fillibuster someway, anyway” gutter they so recently crawled out of.


Lindsay Graham is America’s lesbian grandmother.


Hey now; there’s no need to go insulting lesbian grannies.


Mrs. Mac has more integrity in her nicotine-stained pinky than Huckleberry has ever had.


I’m not saying “don’t try”. But I think it’s important to recognize the obstacles we’re up against when it comes to trying to do that. It’s absolutely a worthwhile battle to fight, and it needs to be fought. It’s just going to be very much an uphill slog given the way things are and will be structured.

Honestly, I think packing the court by expanding it to 11 justices under a Democratic presidency would be an easier and faster lift than impeaching Kavanaugh. Theoretically, expanding the size of the court only requires a majority vote, while impeachment would require a 2/3rds majority in the Senate. Even with a filibuster, the threshold is only 60 votes versus 67.