Links: Wyoming loves asset forfeiture; XOXO is back; acrobatic tea; beautiful campstove; anti-NN shilltoons; Big Pizza's lobbyists; acrobatic tea; frozen bar


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Ah, yes. The annual ritual of getting hyped for XOXO then failing to get in.

Maybe this is my year, I tell myself. Maybe this year.

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That cartoon is precious. “Cartoonist has no idea how net neutrality works, and can’t bother to become infiomed before drawing, and it’s too hard for you to understand.” They use the exact same rhetoric for the Affordable Healthcare Act, as if good laws should fit on a postcard in words of one syllable.


I got curious, and with a little poking around I found a lot of the original versions of those cartoons here.

I especially like one on that page that shows Google next to Verizon, telling the FCC that “the rules don’t apply to us”. Someone didn’t do their research on who was on what side of the issue…


It’s a beautiful burner, anyway. But its elegance diminishes when attached to the mandatory, hard-to-recycle, clunky can of fracked fuel. There’s true beauty in a simple, brass alcohol burner. Or, if you need more heat and don’t mind carrying some petro-fuel, Optimus had that figured out a hundred years ago with the svea stove–and it’s steampunk beautiful.


Totally agree! I use an esbit with grain spirits, but the Brasslite Turbo II-D looks steampunkier if appearance is an issue.

Quite happy with my MSR Whisperlite–it’s similarly light and functional to the stoves mentioned here. My only reason for going with a white-gas stove instead of an alcohol burner is safety. As with pretty much all hiking gear, the user should become entirely familiar with their hiking gear, and especially the cooking stuff. Alcohol emits a flame that can be hard to see and can rapidly get out of control without advertising the fact.

I can’t even tell which ones are supposed to be opposed and which ones are supposed to be supportive.

"Wyoming Governor Vetoes Asset Forfeiture Bill, Because Asset Forfeiture ‘Is Right’ "
i was carrying $1,400 around until it dawned on me that it could be taken away from me without reasonable suspicion of a crime, without due process, and without recourse and only costly court action to recover it.
here’s how i read the constitution: if i have something in my possession it’s mine unless there is probable cause that it is not mine. i don’t have to prove it’s mine, the legal system has to prove it’s not mine and show cause to question my ownership in the first place.


Esbit makes great stuff–I really love the pocket stove, especially using twigs and duff for fuel.


And check out the Kelly Kettle for more forest-fuels fire:

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We need a better SCOTUS than we currently have in order to restore the 4th Amendment. We need a better Congress, not filled with kleptocrats and corporatists, before that can happen. :confused:

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I have to admit I only read this article to find out why someone attached saw blades to a shower head. :laughing:
No, I haven’t gone camping in quite a while and am feeling ashamed now.


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I will never give up my Svea!

I’ve also got the old Sigg bottles made specifically for fuel. Can’t tell what the difference is, though…thicker steel, maybe?

Me, I love the gritty look and industrial toughness of the burn-almost-any-hydrocarbon MSR XGK. Designed for reliability, for extreme conditions, and for heat. Bonus: it’s so loud, it’ll scare away the bears while you’re cooking.

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The Sigg bottles are designed for pressure.

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My ten year old Kovea Titanium stove beats the Optimus by 1/10th of an ounce and has piezo ignition. Such a weight-weenie. :laughing:
I feel that the canisters are something of a trade-off, but for anything less than 4 days, they work out at about the same weight as ethanol burner and fuel but with much more convenience. Those MSR mutli-fuel beasts are the dogs danglers for a longer trek.
Got a soft spot for my little home-made beer-can meths burner, but that’s really best suited for conditions where you only need warm rather than hot food.

You can have my Trangia when you can pry it from my cold dead hands.

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Complete with pots, pans and tea kettle. :stew:
Used to have one of those, but didn’t really use most of the stuff included. Nice nesting design, stable… just a bit too heavy for me.

As a reminder of what is in the XOXO-files