Lion killing dentist emails his clients, shows little remorse

Mod note: Language please. Sexist slurs aren’t cool.

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Can I call him a cock?

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If you must, but I would rather you figure out something less childish.


That makes no sense to me, and while I am not one, I believe any vegan would beat you to death with that statement. I’ve hunted feral pigs with friends and we had a great time before (driving to the pine barrens, chatting on the way), during (enjoying the scenery, sounds, smells of the forest), and after (eating the pigs that were harvested). We even drank beer as we ate parts of the pigs.

I’m with you on the sport-killing side of things for what I would assume are many of the same reasons. As for “having” to kill animals to eat them and it being a “necessary evil”, that’s where we part ways.

Fair enough.
But he’s a bad man.


Completely agree.


And? Lions are big cats that are not human and do not make what we might call rational decisions, other than to take down the slowest animal for food. That statement doesn’t have anything whatsoever to do with Dr. Dickhead Trophy Hunter’s actions.


They can’t lose, either. They’re inanimate objects.

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No, fuck this guy. He wanted to kill an apex predator expected to go extinct within my lifetime. Stop making excuses for Dr. Nonpology, please. It’s kinda gross.


He takes pride in the fact that he doesn’t carry a handgun for back up… However, if you see the pics of him on his heroic outings, there are usually several armed folks standing around him (sometimes with dogs).
He seems to get off on shooting fish in a barrel and then likely bragging about his bravery and skill.
I’m pretty sure that most of his bow/crossbow “kills” in Africa were likely finished off with a rifle – perhaps he could kill a treed leopard with a bow (doubt that he could actually get a kill shot). I’m 99% sure that he did not kill a rhino with an arrow.
They do the same thing in the US – let loose a pack of hounds that tree a cougar/bear, then the guides bring in the client so that he/she can pick them off. I don’t understand how that can be in any way satisfying, unless you actually have a mental tick that gets stroked by such actions.


I’d bet not. In fact, I’m nearly certain that he’s stewing in righteous indignation right about now, mad at everyone except himself.


This pescetarian endorses your deer hunting. As @japhroaig said, they’re giant, dim-witted rats that overpopulate in sub- and ex-urban areas because apparently flowers taste way better to them than corn, soybeans or native trees. In addition, most of the hunters I’ve known over the years here in Lower Peninsula Michigan (where the overgrown rat population has exploded) aren’t particularly disappointed if they don’t take a deer on any given hunting day. They find a zen-like state sitting in a tree, watching nature, listening to noises not made by humans, and letting their minds wander. If they do get a deer, they eat as much as they can and donate the rest to food banks. I’m good with that.


So if you play chess against a computer, the computer either cannot win, or is alive?

If you play Chess against a computer it’s you who will not win.

What a douche canoe! Go ahead, throw the guides under the bus.

Careful, ‘douche’ could be a sexist slur.

Perhaps asshat is more appropriate?

I’m not going there.

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Thinking of adding this to BBS policy:

Don’t pretend to be stupid if you aren’t funny.


Cheap l-carnitine