Listen: Florida congressional candidate losing his shit with a reporter

Hi, your local election-bot here, reminding you that this is part of why downticket elections matter a whole hell of a lot. Florida’s 19th District is not considered a competitive district currently, as it is very likely that some conservative shitlord is going to inherit Curt Clawson’s Throne of Shame. The district seems to be something of a breeding ground for Republican political operatives, and it seems likely to go to a good friend of union-busting Scott Walker and former Dubbya ambassador to the Holy See Francis Rooney this time around. That said, this is a House election, so it’s entirely likely that a lot of people in the 19th District have no earthly idea who any of these nincompoops are. Hell, I’m actively researching this and I still have no clue who Democratic contender Robert Neeld is, aside from, like, a suspiciously warm placeholder. If anybody reading this happens to live in Florida’s 19th District, you could probably run for office there and have a real shot at winning!

Anyway, if you want to do downticket stuff outside of that lovely district, go to the thread and see what you can do.