Originally published at: Freaked-out Eric Bolling rants — and rants — over Kamala Harris surge: "We're losing the race!" (video) - Boing Boing
Let’s hope he’s 100% correct about Trump crashing and taking the GOP down with him!
Eww, I see what you did there.
Depends on your point of view. In a sense George W. Bush was the last Republican president, because Trump doesn’t represent any party or movement or ideals beyond his own personal ambitions.
Either way the party signed its own death warrant when they hitched their wagon to the guy.
If the Republicans really believe that they have a monopoly on flag-shagging and militarism, they’re screwed.
No one’s watching Newsmax!
Well yeah, no shit. The few times I’ve checked it out, it looked like an even angrier, screamer version of Faux News, with a far lower budget. Who but the most delusionally angry, middle-aged and older white men would watch that garbage?
I’m reminded of a bit from Idoru by William Gibson:
[Slitscan’s audience] is best visualized as a vicious, lazy, profoundly ignorant, perpetually hungry organism craving the warm god-flesh of the anointed. Personally I like to imagine something the size of a baby hippo, the color of a week-old boiled potato, that lives by itself, in the dark, in a double-wide on the outskirts of Topeka. It’s covered with eyes and it sweats constantly. The sweat runs into those eyes and makes them sting. It has no mouth, Laney, no genitals, and can only express its mute extremes of murderous rage and infantile desire by changing the channels on a universal remote. Or by voting in presidential elections.
“Camouflage is ours! Meanwhile, our Eternal Leader has absolute contempt for soldiers and veterans! But camo is ours, ours, ours!”
I hear Peggy Noonan was bleating some complaint about Democrats taking away patriotism and freedom as Republican themes.
Ugh. I do vaguely remember her, and it’s nice to see how she’s gradually fading into oblivion.
… “reporter,” in quotes, surely
In 2016 I said Trump would destroy the GOP whether he won or lost. He basically reduced it to the lowest/dumbest aspects of the base-- selfishness/hatred/greed/conspiracies/etc. And now in the “marketplace of ideas” the GOP brand is an undesirable product to most Americans. Just look at how many Republicans were at the DNC as honored guests, brought in just to remind us how horrible Trump is even to them.
But it’s not over. The GOP will kick and scream and flail around, they will get violent, they will use their power to game the system. Unless moderates form a third party the GOP will continue to keep a stranglehold on democracy.
He’s this close to getting it. In the free market, if someone doesn’t like what you’re selling, they don’t buy it. But because Bolling and others in the MAGA Extended Universe start from the premise that Trump is their infallible lord and savior, they must dismiss out of hand any insinuation that their ideas are unpopular and should change to comport with what Americans want. And it would be outright heresy to suggest Trump himself is actually unpopular because people don’t like him and they don’t like what he’s offering. The fix is easy, but it’s also heretical.
… gee, HER CANDIDATE just doesn’t seem to be INTERESTED in those things
I always got the impression that the awfully big marine was pro-reproductive rights and veterans’ aid. He certainly had friendly eyes.
So, FSM willing, Harris does win, it will help be helpful to replay this clip, to remind TFG and others that a Harris win was seen as likely, even by MAGA types.
I was even more confused as my terrible memory was asking, “Why is Tom the Dancing Bug suddenly pro-Trump… …Rubin, not Eric… Rubin, not Eric…
… in your country the most ridiculous “journalists” also seem to be politicians so there are fewer people to remember
What he means is, “The military is ours!” They think they have an inherent right to all things military, including the votes of its members, regardless how contemptuous Trump is to the actual people in it.
Or how many people go into the army vaguely conservative and come out full-blown leftists, radicalised by what they’ve seen or had to participate in