Originally published at: Listen to a complete song from Hawkeye's fake Captain America musical | Boing Boing
Hey, at least the imaginary musical didn’t turn out as badly as the Spiderman musical, and somebody gets pierced with a real arrow.
You know the way genres of music you don’t listen to sound samey?
Well musical theatre fans, this is what musicals sound like to us non-fans. Like I can’t tell if this is supposed to be terrible or just a, you know, musical.
Does it all have to be so cringey?
And is Jack Black one of the singers? 'Cause that one guy really sounds like Jack Black.
How can you not love a song that has the lyric, “we lived through the '80s, and this too shall pass, Avengers assemble and kick some aaaaass!”
I’m still stewing over the fact that “The Star Spangled Man with the Plan” didn’t get an Oscar nom for best song at the 2012 Academy Awards.
Hard pass on that.
What I was principally bothered by during the Broadway number was the low quality of the Hulk costume, and the costumes in general. A real production wouldn’t skimp on those.
For those who considered the song too unrealistic, I give you the opening song of a musical that exists on Broadway today.
Okay but I saw SIX in previews at the ART in 2019 and as hokey it is, it’s still a delightful way to spend an hour.
I’ll good-naturedly disagree about the costumes. I can totally see a modern Broadway musical deconstructing the costumes in this manner for a Hamilton-esque musical.
In fact, I’ll lay money down that Disney is seriously thinking about bringing a complete “Rogers-The Musical” to Broadway, and this number is the COVID era version of previews.
Yeah, I wish they’d gotten Lin-Manuel to write an actual Hamilton inspired song for their fake musical. I admit I’m not much of a musical theater fan, but I dug some of the tunes from Hamilton, and there’s songs here and there throughout the history of musical theater that I find very enjoyable or beautiful (Johanna from Sweeney Todd, for example… just a beautiful tune).
On a tangent, this makes me wonder how much of the 1985 Captain America Broadway show survives. They had complete-ish music/lyrics, and a script (the first scene of which is on reddit), but I don’t think they ever made it to previews. Hell, I don’t even know if it ever was cast.
Bah, I’ll wait for “Rogers-The Musical on Ice!"
The ad which ran in all Marvel’s comics survives.
From the description, looking for a young girl that could sing and dance, I always suspected they wanted to make an Annie and Cap Team Up.
“It’s a hard knock life”
“Pow, Smash”
Acoording to a post at CBCS Comics – which references syfy.com, which quotes the New York Times, who totally heard about it from their best friend’s cousin’s girlfriend –
Edit: whoops, a 14 year old cannot run for President. Her daughter, I guess…?
I know they were portrayed by different people in real life but in my headcanon the in-universe actor who played Thor on Broadway was the same guy who played him in the play Loki had commissioned for Thor: Ragnarok.
Maybe the Asgardians scouted talent from Earth’s theater community to make Loki’s play, or maybe the guy was an Asgardian actor looking for a gig on Earth after the survivors of Ragnarok relocated there and the producers decided to give him a shot since he already had experience playing the part. Either explanation works for me.

It would’ve been pretty funny if they got Luke Hemsworth to do the Broadway production, too. Alas, no, it is not.
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