I understand “Keep your doors sharp”–everybody likes a good-looking door–but what do all the references to “Drop Day” mean? Why do they all seem so excited that it is only 6 days away?
It’s probably meant for human monitoring and troubleshooting. Much easier to read a natural language conversation at a glance than decipher columns of numbers and status codes. Like an OBD-II reader that translates the codes into visual gauges and trouble descriptions instead of making you look them up.
Throwing in the little randomizations and words of encouragement is just a fun extra that didn’t cost hardly anything so why not?
This whole thread made me laugh out loud, for the first time in days.
But how come nobody mentioned Douglas Adams, yet?
I feel like we are definetly in need of a hyperspace bypass, RIGHT NOW. And, btw, anyone seen the people producing these things to wipe your phone’s surface with, lately?
Consider me ashamed! I overlooked it on the decend to the ground level scrolling down to the response button.
IoT is going to be SO much fun (for the programmers).
[Edit: ohshit, the first post, too! Oh my. BTW, “defocused temporal perception” basically is what assisted driving is all about, in a way. And actually, as Adams might have known at the time of writing, a clever “random” change of levels by empty elevators based on statistics and stochastics has been around for a long time, I think…]