Little girl not entirely sure why she covered baby brother in peanut butter

Pshaw, people, especially children, need very little time at all to completely fuck shit up.

Bad Mommy? No. Bad Mommy wouldn’t have taken a whimsical video, bad mommy would have gone straight apeshit or clothes hangery or just walked on by.


“You got your baby in my peanut butter!”

You got your peanut butter on my baby!"



This exactly. One time my wife only turned around to talk to her mother, and in the intervening 10 or so seconds since she was last observed, my little one wiggled her way out of the chair with a handful of blueberries, and proceeded to smash them into the carpet.

Kids are like little crack fueled drunks. All energy, no inhibition…


“It seemed like a good idea at the time…”


Gosh, those are some big quantities of food. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a 2kg bucket of peanut butter or 1L of honey!

Oh no, I hope that wasn’t permanent marker!


I think my wife had scammed into a restaurant order or something, some might have been brought as schlepped gifts by friends visiting from the US or Can, of course the kids were always attracted to the comical huge quantities.

Sweet, sweet revenge.

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It’s permanent in that it’s on the Intertron for posterity now.

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Our two year-old is the absolute ringleader of this kind of thing. She’ll cover the whole place in whatever she can get her hands on, and our six year old will just let it happen, or even occasionally join in “because she told him to”. Silence is downright suspicious. I’m not talking youthful hijinks by the way, this is deliberate criminal damage to property that is only left unprosecuted due to their youth, relationship to the victim and adorableness. Here’s my daughter after the wilful and unrepentant theft of chocolate pudding in the middle of the night:


You must show that photo once she starts dating.


Thanks, Obama!

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quite sure that any number of full grown adults are doing this as well.

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My first thought is performance art. That’s what art school does to you. Here’s what an old friend of mine did for a class project:



The bar for what can count as “art” seems to be pretty low these days…

In my days of changing baby nappies, this was not an uncommon sight.

Ooh. Shudder at the memories.



Definitely staged or at least coached
The 18 month old is a little too young to be on top of table by himself and the 3 year old is magically wearing an old over size t-shirt appropriate for just such a project.

The Power of YouTube.
Everyone deams of a million hits from doing something dumb.

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