Originally published at: Live video of The Stone Roses performing "Elizabeth, my dear" | Boing Boing
The Stone Roses may well be my favourite album of all time.
But just re. Thatcher - they said it first, they said it best: THE BEAT
See also the mighty Elvis Costello’s bitter, awesome “Tramp The Dirt Down”:
you and me both. i’ve had it on a massive playlist for decades now, and i never ever tire of hearing it, or the singles and b-sides from it.
Phenomenally talented band with awesome music, but complete assholes on stage. I saw them live once in the late 90s and was so excited to see them. But they spent most of the show complaining about how we (the audience) weren’t cheering enough to see them and called us all wankers. Not a great way stoke enthusiasm. (Still one of my favourites bands, though.)
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