Liz Cheney defeated in Wyoming primary

We have to give her credit for not being an outright fascist, I guess. I mean, there’s not a lot of credit to be given for that, but…


We should. We can give her credit for that and hold in our heads that she’s wrong on pretty much everything.


I thought his aides and lieutenants were supposed to be of questionable competence?

I don’t think it takes a lot of competence to push out far right propaganda onto the airwaves that they’re aware that their base are watching religiously. We’ve had years of people on the right (even on the “moderate” right) talking about how you can’t trust “the lamestream media” and you can’t trust “Washington insiders”… it’s easy to brand Cheney as a “Washington insider” and a traitor since she’s on the Jan. 6th committee.

But the biggest trick that far right has managed to get away with for much of the 20th century and into the 21st is that of being highly intelligent and highly competent. Neither are particularly true. It’s bullies who managed to get into positions of power (mainly via pre-existing ties of wealth and privilege), and then using force, lies, and subterfuge to get what they want. As the other side actually values truth and a peaceful society, and compromise, it’s pretty easy to undermine them. It’s also pretty easy to brand them as “far left” and scare the centrist into going along with their plans.

None of this takes much competence and brain power. It just takes violence and a big enough megaphone to get your lies out.


My feeling is that if they won’t speak out against Trump during election season then they aren’t really “Never Trumpers” or even “anti-Trumpers” in any meaningful sense. That’s the most important time to speak out. If the moderates won’t do anything to stop the fascists from taking power then what good are they?


I agree. Which makes Cheney a serious outlier.


‘Fan’ isn’t a word I would use; more like ‘amazed someone with an {R} by their name on the ballot isn’t a blatant grifter’… maybe there’s a word for that somewhere.

Whose daddy was the puppeteer of the second worst POTUS & worked for the likes of Nixon.
Nothing glorious about this political dynasty.

That’s pretty much her only redeeming quality.

Fascists, IOW.


I bet she joins the Forward party with Yang as her VP. The lowest bar imaginable party!


I prefer reality-based Republicans.


You know, that might actually be a great way to split up the Republican vote…


If it works…

(I have a strong dislike of Change UK and the Labour MPs who split to form it)


maybe by “human trafficking” she’s referring to the near unprecedented airlift to get american personal and allies out of afghanistan :thinking:

i’m still not thrilled the taliban immediately took over, but moving so many people safely in such a short amount of time was impressive

( wait. she’s talking about some obviously false conspiracy fantasy instead? never mind )


I don’t think Democrats have become fans of Cheney; rather, they’re thankful that at least some Republicans still take seriously the threat Trump and his cult of personality present to democracy, and think that an attempted coup needs to be investigated properly.


Turns out Hageman can’t even accept her opponent’s concession call with grace and dignity. No wonder Trump is such a big fan.


Two years ago, Trump expressly defeated Biden in Wyoming. It is a trumpist safe seat, so to speak, as it has moved away from the traditional conservatism of the Republican Party towards right-wing populism. A poll of that state will likely find a significant number of Republican voters who believe Trump won in 2020.


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But, scarily enough, they still can “win” ( by rigging the system in all the ways they’re currently doing).


Yes. I don’t understand why the administration isn’t in “hair on fire” mode about getting the voting rights act passed. It’s obviously the kind of thing where, as a voter or politician, the only way you can justify opposing it is “democracy =bad.”


At a guess, because Manchin will oppose it, every Republican is against it, since they would never win dogcatcher in most of the country without serious voter suppression, they can’t break a filibuster and are going for things that they can get a win for? I know it sounds defeatist, but honestly, the Biden crew has gotten more through recently than I ever thought they would. Even just getting the fascists on record would not happen due to the filibuster bullshit. If there is not a serious blue wave this time around (yeah, unlikely, but the recent news about post-Dobbs voter registration has my hopes a little higher than subterranean for the first time in a long time) we as a country are in trouble.